τῇ οἰκίᾳ τ. πατρός. Heaven. Matthew 5:34; Matthew 6:9. By μοναὶ πολλαί nothing is said as to mansions differing in dignity and beauty. There may be degrees of happiness hereafter, but such are neither expressed nor implied here. The abodes are many; there is room enough for all. Μονή occurs in N.T. only here and John 14:23. It is derived from S. John’s favourite verb μένειν (John 1:33), which occurs John 14:10; John 14:16-17; John 14:25; John 14:12 times in chap. 15. Μονή, therefore, is ‘a place to abide in, an abode.’ ‘Mansion,’ Scotch ‘manse,’ and French ‘maison’ are all from manere, the Latin form of the same root.

εἰ δὲ μή, εἶπον ἂν ὑμῖν ὅτι π. The construction is amphibolous and may be taken in four ways. 1. If it were not so, I would have told you; because I go. This is best. Christ appeals to His fairness: would He have invited them to a place where there was not room for all? 2. ‘In My Father’s house are many mansions; (if it were not so, I would have told you;) because I go.’ 3. ‘Would I have said to you that I go?’ 4. ‘I would have said to you that I go.’ The last cannot be right. Jesus had already said (John 13:36), and says again (John 14:3), that He is going to shew the way and prepare a place for them.

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Old Testament