ἐντολὴν ἔδωκεν (BLX) for ἐνετείλατο (אAD).

In this last great discourse (14:14–17) we find a return of the spiral movement noticed in the Prologue (see on John 1:18). The various subjects are repeatedly presented and withdrawn in turn. Thus the Paraclete is spoken of in five different sections (John 14:16-17; John 14:25-26; John 15:26; John 16:8-15; John 16:23-25); the relation between the Church and the world in three (John 14:22-24; John 15:18-25; John 16:1-3). So also with Christ’s departure and return.

31. ἀλλ' ἵνα. see on John 1:8. But (Satan cometh) in order that. Some would omit the full stop at ποιῶ and make ἵνα depend on ἐγείρεσθε: ‘But that the world may know that I love the Father, and that as the Father commanded Me so I do, arise, let us go hence.’ There is a want of solemnity, if not a savour of ‘theatrical effect,’ in this arrangement. Moreover it is less in harmony with S. John’s style, especially in these discourses. The more simple construction is the more probable. But comp. Matthew 9:6.

ἄγωμεν. ‘Let us go and meet the power before which I am willing in accordance with God’s will to fall.’

We are probably to understand that they rise from table and prepare to depart, but that the contents of the next three Chapter s are spoken before they leave the room (comp. John 18:1). Others suppose that the room is left now and that the next two Chapter s are discourses on the way towards Gethsemane, chap. 17 being spoken at some halting-place, possibly the Temple. See introductory note to chap. 17.

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Old Testament