ἀπέστ. οὖν. The οὖν (see critical note) shews that the remark is not an afterthought. Because the preliminary examination before Annas produced a primâ facie case, but nothing conclusive, Annas therefore sent Him for formal trial to Caiaphas, who had apparently been present during the previous examination and had taken part in it (John 18:19). Hence there is no need to discuss whether ἀπέστειλεν may be equivalent to a pluperfect: comp. Matthew 26:48; Matthew 14:3-4.

Christ had been bound at His arrest (John 18:12) to prevent escape. During the examination He would be unbound as possibly innocent. He is now bound again. Apparently He was unbound a second time before the Sanhedrin, and then bound afresh to be taken to Pilate (Matthew 27:2).

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Old Testament