αὐτόν for τὸν Ἰησοῦν (correction for clearness).

39. Another coincidence. Nicodemus also was a member of the Sanhedrin (John 3:1), and his acquaintance with Joseph is thus explained. But it is S. Mark who tells us that Joseph was one of the Sanhedrin, S. John who brings him in contact with Nicodemus. It would seem as if Joseph’s unusual courage had inspired Nicodemus also. Thus Jesus by being lifted up is already drawing men unto Him. These Jewish aristocrats first confess Him in the hour of His deepest degradation. Τὸ πρῶτον is either at the beginning of Christ’s ministry, or the first time He came to Jesus. The meaning of the Brazen Serpent, of which he heard then (John 3:14), is becoming plain to him now.

μίγμα. This may be a correction of ἔλιγμα (אB), a roll. Myrrhgum (Matthew 2:11) and pounded aloe-wood (here only) are both aromatic: ‘All thy garments are myrrh and aloes’ (Psalms 45:8). The quantity is royal (2 Chronicles 16:14), but not improbable, and reminds us of Mary’s profusion (John 12:3). It is a rich man’s proof of devotion, and possibly of remorse for a timidity which now seemed irremediable: his courage had come too late.

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Old Testament