τὸν κόσμον. Thrice for emphasis; characteristic of S. John’s style (comp. John 3:31; John 1:10; John 12:36; John 15:19; John 17:14).

οὐ … ἵνα κρίνῃ. Not in order to judge (comp. Luke 9:56). This does not contradict John 9:39. Since there are sinners in the world, Christ’s coming involves a separation (κρίσις) of them from the good, a judgment, a sentence: but this is not the purpose of His coming; the purpose is salvation (John 12:47). The Jews expected both judgment and salvation from the Messiah, judgment for the Gentiles, salvation for themselves. Jesus affirms that the result of the κρίσις depends on the faith, not on the race of each. Κρίνειν and κρίσις are among S. John’s characteristic words.

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Old Testament