ὁ γὰρ π. Moral necessity for the Son’s doing what the Father does. The Father’s love for the Son compels Him to make known all His works to Him; the Son’s relation to the Father compels Him to do what the Father does. The Son continues on earth what He had seen in heaven before the Incarnation.

φιλεῖ. Some good authorities read ἀγαπᾷ (perhaps from John 3:35), but φιλεῖ is right. Φιλεῖν (amare) denotes affection resulting from personal relationship; ἀγαπᾷν (diligere) denotes affection resulting from deliberate choice: see on John 11:5; John 21:15.

μείζονα τ. Greater works than these will He shew Him. ‘The Father will give the Son an example of greater works than these healings, the Son will do the like, and ye unbelievers will be shamed into admiration.’ He does not say that they will believe. ‘Works’ is a favourite term with S. John to express the details of Christ’s work of redemption, much as ῥήματα in relation to λόγος (see on John 3:34). Comp. John 5:36; John 9:4; John 10:25; John 10:32; John 10:37; John 14:11-12; John 15:24. Of these passages, John 14:12 is analogous to this, shewing that what the Father does for the Son, the Son does for those who believe on Him.

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Old Testament