εἰ … ἐπιστεύετε. If ye believed (as in John 5:47) M., ye would believe Me: not ‘had ye believed,’ ‘would have believed,’ which would have required aorists. Comp. John 8:19 (where A.V. has a similar error), 42, John 9:41; John 15:19; John 18:36; and contrast John 4:10; John 11:21; John 11:32; John 14:28, where we have the aorist. The γάρ introduces the proof that Moses is their accuser; his statements and Christ’s agree: see on John 6:30.

περὶ γ. ἐμοῦ. Emphatic: For it was of Me he wrote. Christ here stamps the Pentateuch with His authority; accepting, as referring to Himself, its Messianic types and prophecies. Luke 24:27; Luke 24:44.

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Old Testament