τί … σὺ σημ.; Σύ is emphatic: ‘Thou urgest us to work; what doest Thou on Thy part?’ They quite see that in δν�. ἐκ. He is claiming to be the Messiah, and they require proof. The feeding of the 5000 was less marvellous than the manna, and the Messiah must shew greater signs than Moses. They demand ‘a sign from heaven,’ as so often in the Synoptists. Note that whereas He used the strong πιστεύειν εἰς ὅν they use the weak πιστεύειν σοι (see on John 1:12): πιστεύειν τινί occurs John 4:21; John 5:24; John 5:38; John 5:46; John 14:11; comp. John 2:22; John 4:50; it means no more than to believe a man’s statements, as distinct from trusting in his person and character.

τί ἐργάζῃ; They use the very word that He used in John 6:29.

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Old Testament