οὗτος. May be subject or predicate; the latter seems to be better, as in John 15:12; John 17:3; 1 John 5:3, where αὕτη anticipates ἵνα. Of this purpose is the Bread which cometh down (see on John 6:58) from heaven that a man may eat thereof and (so) not die (comp. John 3:19). The ἵνα indicates the Divine intention (see on John 1:9; John 4:47); the indefinite τις shews the unbounded character of the offer.

μὴ�. The ἀπέθανον in John 6:49 seems to shew that physical death is intended, otherwise the antithesis fails. The death of the believer is only sleep: he has partaken of the Bread of Life and will be raised up at the last day; John 6:40; John 6:44; John 6:54; comp. John 8:51; John 11:25-26.

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Old Testament