ποῦ ἐστίν. They do not ask ‘who’ but ‘where;’ they know well enough by this time the meaning of Christ’s frequent reference to ‘Him that sent Me:’ John 5:23-24; John 5:30; John 5:37-38; John 6:38-40; John 6:44; John 7:16; John 7:18; John 7:28; John 7:33. They ask, therefore, in mockery, what Philip (John 14:8) asks with earnest longing, ‘Shew us the Father: we see one of Thy two witnesses; shew us the other. Any liar can appeal to God.’

οὔτε ἐμὲ οἴδ. Ye know neither Me … If ye knew Me, ye would know, as in John 8:42 : here and in John 8:46 the A.V. translates imperfects as aorists. It is in the Son that the Father reveals Himself: John 14:9; John 16:3. By learning to know the Son the disciples came to know the Father: the Jews could not know the Father because they refused to know the Son.

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Old Testament