ἐν τῷ γαζοφ. At the treasury is an admissible and in one respect safer translation. It is not certain that there was a separate building called the treasury, but comp. 1Ma 14:49; and if there was, it is not probable that Christ would be able to address the multitude there. But the thirteen brazen chests, into which people put their offerings for the temple and other charitable objects, stood in the Court of the Women (see on Mark 12:41), and these chests seem to have been called ‘the treasury.’ The point appears to be that in so public and frequented a place as this did He say all this, and yet no man laid hands on Him (see on John 7:30), Moreover the Hall Gazith, where the Sanhedrin met, was close to the Court of the Women; so that He was teaching close to His enemies’ head-quarters.

καὶ οὐδεὶς ἐπ. And (yet) no one took Him; see on John 7:30. Comp. John 6:70; John 9:30; John 16:32.

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Old Testament