εἶπεν οὖν πάλιν. He said therefore again. The ‘therefore’ does not compel us to place what follows on the same day with what precedes; ‘therefore’ merely signifies that, as no one laid hands on Him, He was able to address them again. ‘Again’ shews that there is some interval, but whether of minutes, hours, or days, we have no means of determining. The connexion is in thought rather than in time. There is no distinct mark of time between John 7:37 (the close of the Feast of Tabernacles) and John 10:22 (the Feast of the Dedication), an interval of two months. See introductory note to chap. 6.

ὑπάγω. Comp. John 8:14 and John 7:33. Possibly in all three places there is a side reference to the Jews who were now leaving Jerusalem in great numbers, the Feast of Tabernacles being over.

ζητήσετε. See on John 7:33-34. Here Christ is more explicit: so far from finding Him and being delivered by Him, they will perish most miserably; in your sin shall ye die. The singular means ‘state of sin.’ Note the order, and contrast John 8:24.

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Old Testament