γνώσεσθε. Ye shall come to know (John 6:69; John 7:17; John 7:26).

τὴν�. Divine doctrine (John 1:17; John 17:17) and Christ Himself (John 14:6; John 5:33), ‘whose service is perfect freedom.’ See John 18:37.

ἐλευθερώσει. Free from the moral slavery of sin. The power of sin is based on a delusion, a fascination, the real nature of which the truth exposes, and so breaks the spell. Truth and freedom are inseparable. Truth destroys the bondage to appearances, whether attractive or repulsive; the seductions of sin and the servile fears of an ignorant conscience. Socrates taught that vice is ignorance, and the Stoics that the wise man alone is free. Plato Rep. IX. 589 E.

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Old Testament