3. Christ shews that there is a third alternative, which their question assumes that there is not. Moreover He by implication warns them against assuming, like Job’s friends, a connexion between suffering and sin in individuals (see on John 9:14). Neither did this man sin (not ‘hath sinned’), nor his parents. The answer, like the question, points to a definite act of sin causing this retribution.

ἀλλ' ἵνα. But he was born blind in order that: Jesus affirms the Divine purpose. This elliptical use of ‘but (in order) that’ is common in S. John, and illustrates his fondness for the construction expressing a purpose: see on John 1:8. Winer, p. 398.

φανερωθῇ. First for emphasis: see on John 1:31.

τὰ ἔργα τ. θ. Including not only the miracle but its effects.

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Old Testament