εἰ τ. ἧτε. ‘If ye were blind, i.e. if ye were conscious of your spiritual darkness and yearned for the light, ye would not have sin (John 15:22); for either ye would find the light, or, if ye failed, the failure would not lie at your door.’ Others interpret, ‘If ye were really blind, and had never known the light, ye would not be responsible for rejecting it. But by your own confession ye see, and the sin of rejection abideth.’ For the construction comp. John 5:46; John 8:19; John 8:42; John 15:19; John 18:36; for ἔχειν ἁμαρτίαν see on John 15:22. Perhaps there is a pause after βλέπομεν.

ἡ ἁμαρτία ὑμ. μ. Your sin abideth (see on John 1:33). ‘Ye profess to see: your sin in this false profession and in your consequent rejection of Me abideth.’ It was a hopeless case. They rejected Him because they did not know the truth about Him; and they would never learn the truth because they were fully persuaded that they were in possession of it. Those who confess their ignorance and contend against it (1) cease to be responsible for it, (2) have a good prospect of being freed from it. Those who deny their ignorance and contend against instruction, (1) remain responsible for their ignorance, (2) have no prospect of ever being freed from it. Comp. John 3:36.

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Old Testament