ὅταν ἐν τ. κ. ὦ. Whensoever I am in the world: distinguish between ἔως ἐστί and ὅταν ὦ. Ὅταν is important; it shews the comprehensiveness of the statement. The Light shines at various times and in various degrees, whether the world chooses to be illuminated or not. Comp. John 1:5; John 8:12. Here there is special reference to His giving light both to the man’s eyes and to his soul. The Pharisees prove the truth of the saying that ‘the darkness comprehended it not.’

φῶς εἰμὶ τ. κ. I am light to the world; not quite the same as τὸ φ. τ. κ. (John 8:2), the Light of the world. Note also the absence of ἐγώ in both clauses: it is not Christ’s Person, but the effect of His presence that is prominent here.

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Old Testament