Cambridge Greek Testament Commentary
Jude 1:16
Largely from the Assumption of Moses: see Introd. pp. xliv, xlv.
Largely from the Assumption of Moses: see Introd. pp. xliv, xlv.
Verse Jude 1:16. _THESE ARE MURMURERS_] Grudging and grumbling at all men, and at all things; _complainers_, μεμψιμοιροι, _complainers of_ _their fate_ or _destiny_-finding fault with God and all his...
THESE ARE MURMURERS - The word here used does not elsewhere occur, though the word “murmur” is frequent, Matthew 20:11; Luke 5:30; John 6:41,...
ANALYSIS AND ANNOTATIONS I. THE INTRODUCTION Jude 1:1 Jude in his brief introduction speaks of the Christian believers, whom he addresses, as called ones, sanctified by God the Father, and preserved...
The false brethren sin in like manner. In their dreamings, _i.e._ vain conceits (yielding to their own wayward fancies, Chase), they are licentious and rebellious. They despise the Lordship (Jude 1:8...
These people are hidden rocks which threaten to wreck your Love Feasts. These are the people who at your feasts revel with their own cliques without a qualm. They have no feeling of responsibility to...
MURMURERS. Greek. _gongustes._ Only here. Compare John 6:41.Acts 6:1. COMPLAINERS. Greek. _mempsimoiros._ Only here. AFTER. App-104. GREAT SWELLING. See 2 Peter 2:18. HAVING, &c.. admi
_These are murmurers, complainers_ The first noun is not found elsewhere in the New Testament, but the use of cognate verbs and nouns in Matthew 20:11; Luke 5:30; 1 Corinthians 10:10;...
ΓΟΓΓΥΣΤΉΣ (G1113) тот, кто ворчит, тот, кто жалуется (_см._ 1 Corinthians 10:10; Philippians 2:14). ΜΕΜΨΊΜΟΙΡΟΣ (G3202) жалующийся на судьбу, ворчащий по поводу своего положения в жизни. Это слово оп...
THESE ARE MURMURERS, COMPLAINERS, &C.— Having in the former verse finished the prophesy of Enoch, St. Jude now goes on in other phrases to describe those corrupt _Christians._ Some think that the two...
_TEACHING ON APOSTASY FROM OLD TESTAMENT PROPHECY_ Jude 1:14-16 _Text_ 14. And to these also Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied, saying, Behold, the Lord came with ten thousands of his holy...
These are murmurers, complainers, walking after their own lusts; and their mouth speaketh great swelling words, having men's persons in admiration because of advantage. MURMURERS - muttering compl...
1. Verse 16. These are murmurers, complainers. To make the idea intended to be communicated in this verse stand out more prominently, I have given the Syriac translation. "These are they who murmur a...
HAVING MEN'S PERSONS IN ADMIRATION BECAUSE OF ADVANTAGE] RV 'shewing respect of persons for the sake of advantage.'...
FIGHT FOR THE *FAITH! JUDE _HILDA BRIGHT_ WHAT THIS LETTER IS ABOUT Jude wrote the letter to warn his readers against false teachers. These teachers claimed to be Christians. But they were being...
Long ago the *Israelites were slaves. But God rescued them. Then the *Israelites complained because God led them into the desert. There was no water to drink (Exodus 15:24; Exodus 17:3; Numbers 14:29)...
(12-19) Three-fold description of the ungodly, corresponding to the three examples just given. The divisions are clearly marked, each section beginning with “These are” (Jude 1:12; Jude 1:16; Jude 1:1...
_The Prophecy of Enoch_. The ancient prophecy, to which reference has been already made, was intended for these men as well as for the prophet's own contemporaries, where he says “The Lord appeared, e...
οὖτοί εἰσιν γογγυσταί, μεμψίμοιροι. Charles thinks that we have here another case of borrowing from the _Assumption of Moses_, see his Introd. on Apocryphal Quotations. The word γογγυστής is used in t...
BEWARE OF THE TOUCH OF THE UNGODLY Jude 1:12 What traps and pitfalls beset us! How many have fallen who had as good or a better chance than we! The angels kept not their first estate; Adam, though cr...
APOSTASY IN OLD TESTAMENT PROPHECY Enoch was listed as one of the great men of faith (Hebrews 11:5). Genesis says "God took him" (Genesis 5:21-24). It would appear he was translated to heaven much lik...
_Speaketh proud things, admiring persons for gain's sake. It is a part of the character of these heretics to seem to admire and flatter others when they can gain by it. (Witham)_...
These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit. I include the whole of this awful portrait, though made up of different characters, under one view, because they all form but on...
CONTENTS The opening of this Epistle is truly sweet. Jude addresseth all he hath to say to the Church. It is to you, Beloved, Jude saith that he writes. He then, through the greater Part of the Chapt...
16._These are murmurers_. They who indulge their depraved lusts, are hard to please, and morose, so that they are never satisfied. Hence it is, that they always murmur and complain, however kindly goo...
The Epistle of Jude develops the history of the apostasy of Christendom, from the earliest elements that crept into the assembly to corrupt it, down to its judgment at the appearing of our Lord, but a...
THESE ARE MURMURERS,.... That is, at others; secretly, inwardly, in a muttering way, grunting out their murmurs like swine; to which, for their filthiness and apostasy, false teachers may be filly com...
_These are murmurers_ Against God and men, never contented with the allotments of Providence, or with the conduct of any about them; _complainers_ Μεμψιμοιροι, literally, _complainers of their fate._...
God's coming judgment upon the false teachers:...
8-16 False teachers are dreamers; they greatly defile and grievously wound the soul. These teachers are of a disturbed mind and a seditious spirit; forgetting that the powers that be, are ordained of...
_Murmurers, complainers; _ either these two words signify the same thing; or _murmurers_ may be meant with relation to God's decrees, laws, providences, and his ordinations in the church or state, 1 C...
Jude 1:16 These G3778 are G1526 (G5748) grumblers G1113 complainers G3202 walking G4198 (G5740) according G2596 own...
‘These are murmurers, complainers, walking after their lusts (and their mouth speaks great swelling words), showing respect of persons for the sake of advantage.' He closes off the passage with anothe...
HIS VIVID DESCRIPTION OF THEIR SPIRITUAL BANKRUPTCY (JUDE 1:12). Jude now vividly pictures their spiritual bankruptcy by means of vivid metaphors, and cites a well known prophecy from the Book of Enoc...
Jude 1:16. A further description is now given of these teachers by an enumeration of the qualities by which all may identify them. They are characterized by a chronic discontent with everything and ev...
MURMURERS (γογγυστα). Late onomatopoetic word for agent, from γογγυζω (Matthew 20:11; 1 Corinthians 10:10) in the LXX (Exodus 16:8;...
CONTENTS: The apostasy and apostate teachers described. Assurance and comfort for true believers. CHARACTERS: God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Jude, James, Michael, Moses, Cain, Balaam, Enoch, Adam. CONCLUS...
THE gleanings of the church respecting St. Jude are few. Du Pin, who spent his life in ecclesiastical studies, says, he had the surname of Lebbeus and Thaddeus, was brother of James the less, and is c...
THESE MEN. This is Jude's description of them. "These ungodly teachers grumble against God for their hardships, and blame others for their problems (which they bring on themselves)! They are loud-mout...
JUDE—NOTE ON JUDE 1:16 Jude applies the citation from__ Enoch__ to the false teachers, probably using this list of sins to focus on some of their more pronounced and obvious misbehaviors. GRUMBLERS ca...
JUDE—NOTE ON JUDE 1:5 The Immoral Character and Resulting Judgment of the False Teachers. Jude uses analogies from the OT and Jewish tradition to declare judgment for the false teachers (see v....
_CRITICAL AND EXEGETICAL NOTES_ Jude 1:12. SPOTS.—Lit. σπιλάδες, rocks; Vulg. _maculæ_ (compare 2 Peter 2:13). “Rocks in your love-feast, causing stumbling and shipwreck.” FEEDING THEMSELVES.—Seeking...
Shall we go to the general epistle of Jude. Jude introduces himself as... A servant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James (Jude 1:1), The word servant in Greek is doulos, bondslave of Jesus Christ. B...
1 Corinthians 10:10; 1 Peter 1:14; 1 Peter 2:11; 1 Peter 4:2;...
Murmurers [γ ο γ γ υ σ τ α ι]. Only here in New Testament. Doubtless, originally, with some adaptation of sound to sense, gongustai. It is used of the cooling of doves. Complainers [μ ε μ ψ ι μ ο ι ρ...
These are murmurers — Against men. Complainers — Literally, complainers of their fate, against God. Walking — With regard to themselves. After their own foolish and mischievous desires. Having men's p...
Our apostle having asserted in the former verse, that Christ will at the great day convince and judge all the ungodly; in this verse he declares that these seducers were of the number of the ungodly,...