μεγάλα. אBDL La[8] Ti[9], ‘great things’ R. V[10], Vulg[11] magna. μεγαλεῖα may be taken from Psalms 71:19.

[8] La. Lachmann.
[9] Ti. Tischendorf.
[10] R. V. Revised Version.
[11] Vulg. Vulgate.

49. μεγάλα. gedolôth, Psalms 71:21; Psalms 126:3.

ὁ δυνατός. El Shaddai, Job 8:3; also Gibbôr, Psalms 24:8. See Pearson On the Creed, Art. i.

ἅγιον τὸ ἔνομα αὐτοῦ. Psalms 111:9; “Thou only art holy,” Revelation 15:4. Shem, ‘name,’ is often a reverent periphrasis in Hebrew for God Himself. Leviticus 24:11; Leviticus 24:16; Psalms 91:14; 2 Chronicles 6:20, &c.

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