ἐν τῇ καρδίᾳ αὐτῶν. Comp. Luke 2:19. The use of καρδίᾳ for φρεσὶ is a Hebraism. 1 Samuel 21:12.

Τί ἄρα τὸ παιδίον τοῦτο ἔσται; The ἄρα expresses wonderment, and is thoroughly classical, Luke 8:25; Luke 12:42. Τίς might have been used for τί by the common sense-construction (κατὰ σύνεσιν), but the τί expresses more surprise. Comp. Matthew 28:19, ἔθνη—αὐτούς, Galatians 4:19, τεκνία … οὕς. Winer, p. 176. ‘What then will this child be?’ The question implies, not “What manner of child,” (as in A. V[41]), but ‘to what kind of man will this child grow?’ Vulg[42] Quis, putas, puer iste erit?

[41] A. V. Authorised Version.
[42] Vulg. Vulgate.

καὶ γάρ. For indeed. (אBCDL.)

χεὶρ κυρίου ἧν μετ' αὐτοῦ. The turn of expression is Hebraistic, as throughout the chapter. Comp. Luke 13:11; Acts 11:21. “Let thy hand be upon the man of thy right hand,” Psalms 80:17.

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Old Testament