θορυβάζῃ. אBCDL. The word is commoner than τυρβάζῃ, but neither occurs again in N. T. θορυβοῦμαι occurs in Matthew 9:23; Mark 5:39; Acts 20:10.

ἑνὸς δέ ἐστιν χρεία. AC, La[220] Ti[221] The reading of אBL, Copt. Aeth. Arm. &c. is ὀλίγων δέ ἐστιν χρεία ἢ ἑνός.

[220] La. Lachmann.
[221] Ti. Tischendorf.

41. Μάρθα Μάρθα. The repeated name adds traditional tenderness to the rebuke, as in Luke 22:31; Acts 9:4.

μεριμνᾷς καὶ θορυβάζῃ περὶ πολλά. “I would have you without carefulness,” 1 Corinthians 7:32; Matthew 6:25. The words literally mean, ‘Thou art anxious and bustling.’ Her inward solicitude was shewing itself in outward hastiness.

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Old Testament