ἤρατε τὴν κλεῖδα τῆς γνώσεως. D reads ἀπεκρύψατε, Ye concealed the key, but that is implied in their taking it away and rendering it inaccessible. Our Lord here denounces the common spirit of theological exclusiveness and pride. A key was the regular symbol of the function of a scribe (Matthew 13:52; Matthew 16:19), which was to open the meaning of the Holy Books. The crime charged against them here is their selfish exclusiveness. They declared that only rich and well-born people could be scribes; and while they refused to teach the mass of the people, they at the same time called them ‘accursed’ for not knowing the law, and spoke about them in terms of the bitterest scorn and detestation. “Ye have caused many to stumble at the law,” Malachi 2:8.

τοὺς εἰσερχομένους ἐκωλύσατε. The aorist and present imply ‘ye repelled at the threshold those who were trying to enter.’

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Old Testament