πρὸς τὸν�. It seems clear that in the truth which the parable shadows forth, Christ corresponds to the vine-dresser, and Jehovah to the owner (Isaiah 5:7). Some however prefer to see in the vine-dresser the Holy Spirit as Intercessor.

τρία ἔτη. Many suppose an allusion to the length up to this time of our Lord’s ministry (Bengel, &c.). Others (Euthym., &c.) explain it of the periods of the Judges, Kings, and High Priests. It is very doubtful how far these lesser details—which are essential to the colouring of the parable—are intended to be pressed.

ἔκκοψον αὐτήν. At once—as the tense implies (Matthew 3:10; John 15:2). It was fulfilled in the rejection of Israel (Romans 11:22).

ἱνατί; Why? originally two words with γένηται understood; ἵνα τί γένηται; in order that what may happen?

ἱνατί καὶ τὴν γῆν καταργεῖ; ‘Why doth it also sterilise the ground?’ i.e. it is not only useless, but positively mischievous by preventing other growth. For the verb comp. Romans 3:3.

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Old Testament