Luke 21:1

ἈΝΑΒΛΈΨΑΣ ΔΈ. The expression seems to shew that He was sitting with downcast eyes, saddened, perhaps, in His spirit and agitated by the great Denunciation; but this last little incident is ‘like a rose amid a field of thistles,’—an act genuinely beautiful in the desert of ‘official devotion.’ ΓΑΖΟΦΥ... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 21:2

ΤΙΝΑ. If the καὶ of some MSS. (AEGHD, &c.) be genuine, it should perhaps follow the τινα—“some one—even a widow;” _aliquam, eamque viduam_. ΔΎΟ ΛΕΠΤΆ. “Which make a farthing,” Mark 12:42. The _lepton_ or _prutah_ was the smallest of coins, and the Rabbis did not allow any one to give less than two.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 21:3

ΠΛΕΙ͂ΟΝ ΠΆΝΤΩΝ. Because “one coin out of a little is better than a treasure out of much, and it is not considered how much is given, but how much remains behind.” S. Ambrose. See 2 Corinthians 8:12. In the Talmud a High Priest is similarly taught by a vision not to despise a poor woman’s offering of... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 21:4

ΤΟΥ͂ ΘΕΟΥ͂ is omitted after δῶρα by אBLX, &c. 4. ΟὟΤΟΙ. The word is not exactly contemptuous as it often is (see Luke 7:39; Luke 15:30), but still it has the depreciatory effect often conveyed by a pronoun being used δεικτικῶς, i.e. by substituting a _gesture_ for a description. ἘΚ ΤΟΥ͂ ΠΕΡΙΣΣΕΎΟΝ... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 21:5

ΤΙΝΩΝ ΛΕΓΌΝΤΩΝ. The question was asked by the Apostles as Jesus sat on the Mount of Olives, perhaps gazing on the Temple as it shone in the last rays of sunset. ΛΊΘΟΙΣ ΚΑΛΟΙ͂Σ. Bevelled blocks of stone, of which some are described as having been forty cubits long and ten high; double cloisters; mon... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 21:6

ὯΔΕ is added after λίθῳ by אBL La[353] W. H[354] The reading of D is ἐν τοίχῳ ὧδε. [353] La. Lachmann. [354] W. H. Westcott and Hort. 6. ΤΑΥ͂ΤΑ Ἃ ΘΕΩΡΕΙ͂ΤΕ. See Matthew 7:24; 1 John 2:24; 1 John 2:27; 2 Corinthians 12:17, &c. ‘These things which ye are gazing on’ (it is what is called the ‘pendent... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 21:7

ἘΠΗΡΏΤΗΣΑΝ. The questioners were Peter and James and John and Andrew, Mark 13:3. ΠΌΤΕ … ΚΑῚ ΤΊ ΤῸ ΣΗΜΕΙ͂ΟΝ; Our Lord leaves the former question unanswered (see on Luke 17:20) and only deals with the latter. This was His gentle method of discouraging irrelevant or inadmissible questions (comp. Luke... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 21:8

ΟὟΝ is omitted by אBDLX La[355] Ti[356] [355] La. Lachmann. [356] Ti. Tischendorf. 8. ΜῊ ΠΛΑΝΗΘΗ͂ΤΕ. A danger incurred even by the elect. Matthew 24:24. The moral key-notes of this great Discourse of the Last Things (Eschatology) are Beware! Watch! Endure! Pray! ΠΟΛΛΟῚ ΓᾺΡ Κ.Τ.Λ. “Even now are th... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 21:9

ΠΟΛΈΜΟΥΣ ΚΑῚ�. The best comment on the _primary_ fulfilment of this Discourse is the _Jewish War_ of Josephus, and the _Annals_ and _History_ of Tacitus (_Ann._ XII. 38, xv. 22, xvi. 13), whose narrative is full of earthquakes, wars, crimes, violences and pollutions, and who describes the period whi... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 21:11

ΣΕΙΣΜΟΊ. Tac. _Hist._ I. 2. For such physical portents at great crises see Thuc. I. 23; Tac. _Ann_. XII. 43, 64, _Hist._ I. 56; Liv. XLIII. 13, &c. ΛΙΜΟΊ. Acts 11:28. The original gives the common _paronomasia_ λιμοὶ καὶ λοιμοί. (Comp. ἀσυνέτους, ἀσυνθέτους, Romans 1:29; Romans 1:31; Winer, p. 793.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 21:12

ἘΠΙΒΑΛΟΥ͂ΣΙΝ ἘΦ' ὙΜΑ͂Σ ΤᾺΣ ΧΕΙ͂ΡΑΣ. The best comment on the whole verse is found in Acts 4:3; Acts 5:17-41; Acts 6:11-13; Acts 12:2; Acts 16:19-39; Acts 25:23; 2 Timothy 4:16-17. Comp. John 15:20; John 16:2-3.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 21:14

ΜῊ ΠΡΟΜΕΛΕΤΑ͂Ν. Luke 12:11; Matthew 10:19-20. The meaning is that they were neither _to be anxious about_ the form of their Apologia, nor to make it skilfully elaborate.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 21:15

ἘΓῺ ΓΆΡ. This is emphatic. “_I_—who will then be exalted and glorified—will supply you with spiritual power.” ΔΏΣΩ ὙΜΙ͂Ν ΣΤΌΜΑ. As in Exodus 4:11-12; Jeremiah 1:9; Isaiah 6:6. God, as Milton says, ‘sendeth forth His cherubim with the hallowed fire of His altar to touch the lips of whom He will.’ στ... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 21:16

ΠΑΡΑΔΟΘΉΣΕΣΘΕ. In consequence of the disunions prophesied in Luke 1:34; Luke 12:53; Matthew 10:21. ΚΑῚ ὙΠῸ ΓΟΝΈΩΝ Κ.Τ.Λ. ‘_Even by_ parents,’ &c., “_non modo ab alienis_.” Bengel. ἘΞ ὙΜΩ͂Ν. Of the four to whom He was immediately speaking, perhaps all, and certainly two, were martyred.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 21:17

ἜΣΕΣΘΕ ΜΙΣΟΎΜΕΝΟΙ ὙΠῸ ΠΆΝΤΩΝ. The hatred shall be _permanent_ and _universal_, Luke 2:34; Luke 6:22; John 17:14; 1 Peter 4:14; 1 Peter 4:16; Acts 24:5; id. Acts 28:22. “They speak against you as evil doers,” 1 Peter 2:12. “Reproached for the name of Christ,” id.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 21:18

ΘΡΊΞ. The expression is proverbial, as in Acts 27:34. No hair shall perish, for they are “all numbered,” Matthew 10:30. The previous verse (17) is of course sufficient to shew that the meaning is _spiritual_ here, not literal as in Acts 27:34. No _absolute_ or _final_ harm could happen to them even... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 21:19

ΚΤΉΣΑΣΘΕ is the reading of אDL Elz. and Ti[357] κτήσεσθε is read by AB La[358] W. H[359] [357] Ti. Tischendorf. [358] La. Lachmann. [359] W. H. Westcott and Hort. 19. ἘΝ ΤΗ͂Ι ὙΠΟΜΟΝΗ͂Ι ὙΜΩ͂Ν ΚΤΉΣΑΣΘΕ. On the verb κτῶμαι comp. Luke 18:12; 1 Thessalonians 4:4. With the better reading it means ‘By you... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 21:20

ΚΥΚΛΟΥΜΈΝΗΝ. ‘_In course of being compassed_.’ See on Luke 19:43, and Jos. _B. J._ Luke 21:2, § 6, 12.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 21:21

ΟἹ ἘΝ ΤΗ͂Ι ἸΟΥΔΑΊΑΙ. This expression again most clearly proves what was the _near horizon_ of this Prophecy. ΕἸΣ ΤᾺ ὌΡΗ. The Christians, in consequence of “a certain oracular utterance” (Euseb. _H. E._ III. 5), or an angel-warning (Epiphan. _Haer._ I. 123), but more probably in consequence of _this... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 21:22

ἩΜΈΡΑΙ ἘΚΔΙΚΉΣΕΩΣ. See Daniel 9:26-27. Josephus again and again calls attention to the abnormal wickedness of the Jews as the cause of the divine retribution which overtook them. In his _Wars of the Jews_ he declares that no generation and no city was “so plunged in misery since the foundation of th... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 21:23

ΟΥ̓ΑΊ. The ‘woe’ is only an expression of pity for them because their flight would be retarded or rendered impossible. ἈΝΆΓΚΗ ΜΕΓΆΛΗ … ΚΑῚ ὈΡΓΉ. 1 Thessalonians 2:16, “Wrath is come upon them to the uttermost.” Josephus says that, when there were no more to plunder or slay, after “incredible slaugh... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 21:24

ΣΤΌΜΑΤΙ ΜΑΧΑΊΡΗΣ. A Hebraism, though στόμα in the sense of ‘edge’ is also classical (comp. δίστομος). 1,100,000 Jews are said to have perished in the war. “It seems as though the whole race had appointed a rendezvous for extermination” Renan. (See on Luke 22:49.) ΑἸΧΜΑΛΩΤΙΣΘΉΣΟΝΤΑΙ. This is one of... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 21:25

ἘΝ�. אABC _Edd._ for ἠχούσης. 25. ἘΝ ἩΛΊΩΙ ΚΑῚ ΣΕΛΉΝΗΙ ΚΑῚ ἌΣΤΡΟΙΣ. ‘_In sun, and moon, and stars_.’ The articles of the A. V[369] should be omitted. Comp. Acts 27:20. These signs are mainly metaphorical—the eclipse of nations and the downfall of potentates—though there may be literal fulfilments a... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 21:26

ἈΠΟΨΥΧΌΝΤΩΝ�. Literally, “_men swooning_.” Meyer renders it “_giving up the ghost_.” ΚΑῚ ΠΡΟΣΔΟΚΊΑΣ. “_And expectation_;” only here and in Acts 12:11. ΤΗ͂Ι ΟἸΚΟΥΜΈΝΗΙ. Literally, “_on the habitable world_.” ΑἹ ΓᾺΡ ΔΥΝΆΜΕΙΣ ΤΩ͂Ν ΟΥ̓ΡΑΝΩ͂Ν, i.e. the “bright dynasts” (Aesch. _Ag._ 6)—the Hosts of th... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 21:27

ἘΡΧΌΜΕΝΟΝ ἘΝ ΝΕΦΈΛΗΙ. _Metaphorically_ in great world crises (Matthew 16:17; Matthew 16:28); _actually_ at the Last Coming. Acts 1:11; Matthew 26:64; Revelation 14:14.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 21:28

28. HOPE FOR THE FAITHFUL 28. ἈΝΑΚΎΨΑΤΕ. The ‘earnest expectation’ (ἀποκαραδοκία—‘watching with outstretched neck’) of the creature, Romans 8:19; Romans 8:23. This verb ἀνακύπτειν only occurs in Luke 13:11; John 8:7; John 8:10. Comp. Matthew 24:31. Ἡ�. This will follow Christ’s _Parousia_. Comp. L... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 21:29

ΚΑῚ ΠΆΝΤΑ ΤᾺ ΔΈΝΔΡΑ. This is added by St Luke only. The fig-tree would be specially significant to Jewish readers.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 21:32

ΟΥ̓ ΜῊ ΠΑΡΈΛΘΗΙ Ἡ ΓΕΝΕᾺ ΑὝΤΗ. This verse has a nearer and a farther meaning. That very generation would not have passed when, 40 years later, the Jewish nation was crushed, and the Mosaic dispensation rendered impossible. But γενεά also means race, and the Jewish race shall last till the end of all... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 21:33

ΠΑΡΕΛΕΎΣΟΝΤΑΙ. 2 Peter 3:7; Isaiah 51:6; Psalms 102:26. ΟἹ ΔῈ ΛΌΓΟΙ ΜΟΥ. ‘My sayings,’ my utterances. Isaiah 40:8.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 21:34

ΚΡΑΙΠΆΛΗΙ. ‘The giddiness of yesterday’s debauch’; the headache after drunkenness.—Lat. _crapula_. ΜΈΘΗΙ. Only in St Paul and St Luke. Comp. Romans 13:13. Hence the exhortation “be sober,” νήψατε, 1 Peter 4:7; 1 Thessalonians 5:6. ΜΕΡΊΜΝΑΙΣ. Comp. Matthew 13:22. The surfeit of _yesterday_; drunkenn... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 21:34,35

34, 35. ΑἸΦΝΊΔΙΟΣ … ὩΣ ΠΑΓΊΣ. ἐπ[εισ]ελεύσεται γάρ אBDL La[360] Ti[361] W. H[362] [360] La. Lachmann. [361] Ti. Tischendorf. [362] W. H. Westcott and Hort.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 21:35

ὩΣ ΠΑΓΊΣ. Ecclesiastes 9:12; Romans 11:9; 1 Timothy 3:7. There is the same metaphor in Isaiah 24:17. The common metaphor is “_as a thief_,” 1 Thessalonians 5:2; Revelation 3:3; Revelation 16:15. ἘΠΕΙΣΕΛΕΎΣΕΤΑΙ. This classical double compound (BDL) is found here only in the N.T. ΤΟῪΣ ΚΑΘΗΜΈΝΟΥΣ. A H... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 21:36

ΚΑΤΙΣΧΎΣΗΤΕ. אBLX Copt. Ti[363] W. H[364] &c. καταξιωθῆτε ACD, La[365]; but probably derived from Luke 20:35. [363] Ti. Tischendorf. [364] W. H. Westcott and Hort. [365] La. Lachmann. Between 38 and 38 four cursive MSS. add the story of the woman taken in adultery, John 7:53 to John 8:11. 36. ἈΓΡ... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 21:37

ΤᾺΣ ἩΜΈΡΑΣ. ‘During the days.’ The notice is retrospective, applying to Palm Sunday, and the Monday and Tuesday in Passion Week. After Tuesday evening He never entered the Temple again. Wednesday and Thursday were spent in absolute and unrecorded retirement, perhaps with His disciples in the house a... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 21:38

ὬΡΘΡΙΖΕΝ. ‘_Resorted to Him at early dawn_,’ Jeremiah 29:7 (LXX[371]), 1Ma 11:67, Evang. _Nicod._ 15. [371] LXX. Septuagint. ἘΝ ΤΩ͂Ι ἹΕΡΩ͂Ι. Comp. Luke 19:47; Acts 5:21. A few cursive MSS. here add the “Gospel for Penitents,” John 7:53 to John 8:11.... [ Continue Reading ]

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