ἐπεφώνουν. The word implies a continuous cry of increasing vehemence. The vox populi was in this instance vox Diaboli.

σταύρου σταύρου αὐτόν. The reading σταύρωσον may have risen from not observing that σταύρου is the imper. active, not middle (which would be σταυροῦ). This wild and terrible outcry was provoked by Pilate’s unjust question to them how he should deal with Jesus. After this it was quite vain to say, “Why, what evil hath He done?” Yet even in yielding he cannot refrain from irritating them with the expression, “your king.” It was something more than a mere taunt. It was due to a flash of genuine conviction that the Prisoner before him was greater and nobler than the greatest and noblest Jew he had ever seen.

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Old Testament