Cambridge Greek Testament Commentary
Luke 23:33-38
Verse 33. _THE PLACE - CALLED CALVARY_] Matthew 27:33. _THEY CRUCIFIED HIM_] See the nature of this punishment explained Matthew 27:35....
See the notes at Matthew 27:35, Matthew 27:38....
CHAPTER 23 _ 1. The son of man before Pilate and Herod. (Luke 23:1)_ 2. Pilate Yields to the People's Will; Barabbas Freed and the Son of man Condemned. (Luke 23:13) 3. The Crucifixion of the Son Of...
THE CRUCIFIXION (Mark 15:22 *, Matthew 27:33 *). LUKE 23:34. Though not found in the best MSS. (_cf._ Luke 22:43 f.), this may be a
Two others who were criminals were brought to be put to death with Jesus. When they came to the place which is caned the place of a skull, there they crucified him, and the two criminals, one on his r...
TO. _Greek. epi._ App-104. CALVARY is the Greek for the Hebrew _Golgotha_. a skull. Now called "a hill". But see Conder's _Jerusalem,_ p. 80. CRUCIFIED. See App-162. ON. at. Greek. _ek._ App-104....
- 38. The Crucifixion and Mockery. The Title. 33. _the place, which is called Calvary_ It is nowhere in Scripture called -a hill," and it was certainly not in any sense a steep or lofty hill. The only...
ΉΛΘΟΝ _aor. ind. act., см._ Luke 23:26. КАΛΟΎΜΕΝΟΝ _praes. pass. part. (adj.) от_ ΚΑΛΈΩ (G2564) называть, именовать, ΚΡΑΝΊΟΝ (G2898) череп, верхняя часть головы (DMTG, 211). ΈΣΤΑΎΡΩΣΑΝ _aor. ind. ac...
BUTLER'S COMMENTS SECTION 2 Impaled (Luke 23:26-49) 26 And as they led him away, they seized one Simon of Cyrene, who was coming in from the country, and laid on him the cross, to carry it behind Je...
SERMON NO. EIGHTEEN BEHOLDING THE CRUCIFIED ONE Luke 23:33-35 a _Introduction_ I. SPECTACLE OF THE CRUCIFIXION OF CHRIST. After the betrayal and arrest come the trials. He was shamed by His own (hi...
And Pilate, when he had called together the chief priests and the rulers and the people, For the exposition see the notes at ; For the exposition, see the notes at John 18:38;...
26 Compare Mat_27:32; Mar_15:21; Joh_19:17. 26 Tradition has sought to surround the cross with a false glamour by making it cross-shaped, instead of a single upright stake. The word "cross" itself has...
TRIAL BEFORE PILATE AND HEROD. THE CRUCIFIXION AND BURIAL 1-5. The trial before Pilate begins (Matthew 27:1; Matthew 27:11; Mark 15:1; John 18:2
CRUCIFIXION AND DEATH OF JESUS (Matthew 27:33; Mark 15:23; John 19:18). See on Mt and Jn. Peculiar to Lk are three of the Seven Words from the Cross, and the incident of the Converted Thief....
LUKE’S GOOD NEWS LUKE _HILDA BRIGHT_ CHAPTER 23 PILATE EXAMINES JESUS 23:1-7 V1 The whole group rose up and took Jesus to Pilate. V2 They began to accuse him. ‘We caught this man because he is c...
THE PLACE, WHICH IS CALLED CALVARY. — On the place and name, see Note on Matthew 27:33. As a matter of translation, it would clearly have been better either to give the Greek form (_Cranion_)_,_ or it...
_Crucifixion_ (Matthew 27:35-38; Mark 15:24-27). κρανίον, a skull, for the Hebrew Γολγοθά in Mt. and Mk....
“THEY CRUCIFIED THE LORD OF GLORY” Luke 23:26-34 Simon's two sons are believed to have become Christians. See Mark 15:21; Romans 16:13. Perhaps this strange interruption in his ordinary experiences l...
This is the story of the Cross, and, as in dealing with other Gospels, it is best read in reverent quietness and meditation. We see all the forces of evil as represented in the Jewish priests and in P...
(9) And when they were come to the place, which is called Calvary, there they crucified him, and the malefactors, one on the right hand, and the other on the left. (9) Christ became accursed for us u...
_Called Calvary. A place at a small distance from Jerusalem, where condemned malefactors were beheaded. So Christ, as a malefactor, dies on Calvary for the redemption of all: that where sin abounded,...
THE CRUCIFIXION Matthew 27:35-38; Luke 23:33-38; John 19:18-24; Mark 15:24-28. “ _And it was the third hour_,
CHAPTER 27. JESUS LED TO CALVARY Matthew 27:31-34; Mark 15:20-23; Luke 23:26-33; John 19:16-17. “ And the
We divide this piece into three parts: the way to the cross (Luke 23:26-32); the crucifixion (Luke 23:33-38); the time passed on the cross (39-46)....
2 _d. Luke 23:33-38_. Is the spot where Jesus was crucified that which is shown for it at the present day in the enclosure of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre? The question does not seem yet decided....
"And there were also two other, malefactors, led with him to be put to death. (33) And when they were come to the place, which is called Calvary, there they crucified him, and the malefactors, one on...
The last chapter gave in the judgment of present things, another world and eternal things in good and evil, the Lord's instruction for the disciples after the dealings of grace in Luke 15:1-32, and th...
_THE GREEN HILL FAR AWAY_ ‘There they crucified Him.’ Luke 23:33 ‘There is a green hill far away, Without a city wall.’ Yes; such a spot there is, at a little distance from the northern wall of Jeru...
The Gentiles, however, are not presented in this Gospel as being voluntarily guilty. We see, no doubt, an indifference which is flagrant injustice in a case like this, and an insolence which nothing c...
AND WHEN THEY WERE COME TO THE PLACE WHICH WAS CALLED CALVARY,.... Or Cranion, which signifies a skull; so called from the skulls of persons that lay about, who were executed. It is a tradition of the...
And when they were come to the place, which is called Calvary, there they crucified him, and the malefactors, one on the right hand, and the other on the left. Ver. 33. _Which is called Calvary_] As...
_There were also two other malefactors_ This should rather be rendered, _Two others, who were malefactors, were also led with him to be put to death._ The distinction between Jesus and the malefactors...
The crucifixion. Matthew 27:33-56....
The crucifixion:...
DELIVERED TO PONTIUS PILATE (vs.1-5) It was still early morning when the Lord Jesus was brought to the judgment hall of Pilate, the Roman governor (John 18:28), for the Jews were determined to quick...
CALVARY: Or, the place of a skull...
32-43 As soon as Christ was fastened to the cross, he prayed for those who crucified him. The great thing he died to purchase and procure for us, is the forgiveness of sin. This he prays for. Jesus w...
Tertullian Against Marcion Book IV Moreover two malefactors are crucified around Him, in order that He might be reckoned amongst the transgressors.[1654]...
Luke 23:33 And G2532 when G3753 come G565 (G5627) to G1909 place G5117 G3588 called G2564 ...
THE CRUCIFIXION OF JESUS (23:26-33). The moment that this last part of the Gospel has been building up to has now come. Jesus had spoken of His trials and temptations (Luke 22:28), and of the sufferin...
‘And when they came to the place which is called The Skull, there they crucified him, and the evildoers, one on the right hand and the other on the left.' And finally they reached a place, aptly named...
Luke 23:33. SKULL. Comp. the Hebrew _Golgotha_ (Matthew, Mark, and John), which also means this. ‘Calvary' is of kindred meaning, but taken from the Latin version. The name probably arose from a resem...
Among the peculiarities of Luke's description we notice particularly the scene on the way to Calvary (Luke 23:27-32), and the story of the penitent robber (Luke 23:39-43). Both of these accord with th...
Luke 23:33-38. THE CRUCIFIXION AND MOCKING. See on Matthew 27:33-43; Mark 15:22; Mark 15:33;...
THE SKULL (το κρανιον). Probably because it looked like a skull. See on Matthew 27:33; Mark 15:22.THERE THEY CRUCIFIED HIM (εκε εσταυρωσαν). There between the two robbers and on the very cross on...
AND WHEN For ORDER OF EVENTS AT THE CRUCIFIXION, see (_ See Scofield) - (Matthew 26:20). _ (_ See Scofield) - (Matthew 27:33). _ The first note refers to the events of the night preceding; the sec...
We have often read the story of our Saviour's sufferings; but we cannot read it too often. Let us, therefore, once again repair to «the place which is called Calvary.» As we just now sang, «Come, let...
Luke 23:27. And there followed him a great company of people, and of women, which also bewailed and lamented him. But Jesus turning unto them said, Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me, but weep fo...
Luke 23:27. _And there followed him a great company of people, and of women, which also bewailed and lamented him._ Their best Friend, the Healer of their sick, the Lover of their children, was about...
Now, Luke supplies some particulars which Mark has left out. Turn, therefore, to the 23 rd chapter of Luke and the 26 th verse. Luke, also, tells us of Simon. Luke 23:26. _And as they led him away, t...
Our Lord's last days gave tragic proof of the hate and cruel mockery of his foes; yet how marvelously he endured! Luke 23:18. _And they cried out all at once, saying, Away with this man, and release...
Luke 23:1 , _And the whole multitude of them arose, and led him unto Pilate. And they began to accuse him saying, We found this_ Put in what word you like villains scoundrel our translators could not...
CONTENTS: Jesus before Pilate and Herod. Barabbas released and Jesus condemned. The cricifixion and entombment. CHARACTERS: Jesus, Pilate, Caesar, Herod, Barabbas, Simon, two thieves, Joseph. CONCLUS...
Luke 23:12. _The same day Pilate and Herod were made friends._ This occurrence is quoted in Acts 4:27, as an accomplishment of the prophecy in the second psalm. Luke 23:22. He said to them the third t...
THEY TOOK JESUS AWAY. The most complete notes on the Crucifixion are found in Matthew 27:32-56. A LARGE CROWD OF PEOPLE FOLLOWED HIM. This shows that Jesus had a lot of sympathizers in Jerusalem. WOME...
_There they crucified Him_ THE CRUCIFIXION I. THE PLACE WHERE OUR LORD SUFFERED. Calvary, or Golgotha: a small eminence, half a mile from Jerusalem; the common place of execution, where the vilest o...
LUKE—NOTE ON LUKE 23:33 THE SKULL. In Matthew it is also called Golgotha, a transliteration of the Aramaic word for “skull.” See notes on Matt. 27:33;...
Jesus is led away to be crucified Matthew 27:32-44; Mark 15:21-32; Luke 23:26-43; John 19:17-22;...
CHAPTER 23 VER. 39. _And one of the malefactors which were hanged_ (this one, according to tradition, hung on the left hand of Christ) _railed_ _on Him, saying, If thou be Christ, save thyself and us....
_CRITICAL NOTES_ Luke 23:32.—MALEFACTORS.—Called by St. Matthew and St. Mark “robbers.” Probably they were insurgents against Roman rule, who had been more like brigands than patriots. Luke 23:33. CA...
EXPOSITION LUKE 23:1 _The trial before Pilate_:_ First examination._ LUKE 23:1 AND THE WHOLE MULTITUDE OF THEM AROSE, AND LED HIM UNTO PILATE. The Sanhedrin had now formally condemned Jesus to dea...
And the whole multitude of them arose, and they led him unto Pilate. And they began to accuse him, saying, We found this fellow perverting the nation and forbidding to give tribute to Caesar, and sayi...
1 Peter 2:24; Acts 13:29; Acts 2:23; Acts 5:30; Deuteronomy 21:23;...
Calvary [κ ρ α ν ι ο ν]. The Greek word is the translation of the Hebrew Golgotha. See on Matthew 27:33. 35 - 43. Compare Matthew 27:39-44; Mark 14:29-32....
THE SUFFERING CHRIST Luke 23:11 INTRODUCTORY WORDS When Christ came down to this earth; He who was holy, who knew no sin, suffered all the sorrows that sin brought into a world of shame and of wick...
THE CRUCIFIXION Luke 23:33 INTRODUCTORY WORDS We feel it would not be fitting for us to study the scenes of the Cross itself, without spending a few moments in considering Christ's Gethsemane exper...