σήμερον. An unexpected boon,—for the crucified often lingered in agony for more than two days.

ἐν τῷ παραδείσῳ. παράδεισος is derived from the Persian word Pardes, meaning a king’s garden or pleasaunce. Here it is ‘a garden’ in which are more blessed trees than those in the garden of Golgotha. (Bengel.) It is used (1) for the garden of Eden (Genesis 2:8, &c.); and (2) for that region of Hades (Sheol) in which the spirits of the blest await the general Resurrection, Acts 2:31; 1 Corinthians 15:55; Revelation 2:7. The Sapphic verse on the tomb of the great Copernicus alludes to the prayer of the Penitent Robber:

“Non parem Paulo veniam requiro
Gratiam Petri neque posco, sed quam
In crucis ligno dederis latroni

Sedulus oro.”

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Old Testament