δώδεκα. Doubtless with a reference to the twelve tribes of Israel.

οὓς καὶ�. The word means primarily messengers,’ as in Philippians 2:25. It is a translation of the Hebrew Sheloochim, who often acted as emissaries of the Synagogue (comp. Mark 3:14, ἴνα�). It is used 36 times by St Luke, 21 times by St Paul. In the other Gospels it only occurs in this sense in Mark 6:30; Matthew 10:2; and only once in the LXX[134], 1 Kings 14:6. It has two usages in the N.T., one general (John 13:16; Romans 16:7; Hebrews 3:1), and one special (1 Corinthians 9:1 and passim). The call of the Apostles was now necessitated both by the widespread fame of our Lord, and the deadly animosity already kindled against Him. Their training soon became the most important part of His work on earth.

[134] LXX. Septuagint.

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Old Testament