ἅφες ἐκβάλω. Cp. Mark 15:36, ἄφετε ἴδωμεν. The conjunction is deliberative, as in θέλεις εἴπωμεν, Luke 9:54. In modern Greek ἂς, let, is derived from ἄφες, and has become a regular imperative form.

οὐ βλέπων. This is the only instance of οὐ with a participle in this Gospel. Participles are so frequently causal or conditional that they are usually reversed by the subjective negative μή,—the particle which negatives thoughts—which is exclusively joined to them in modern Greek. The οὐ is here emphatic—‘when, as a fact, thou art blind to.’

ὑποκριτά. Romans 2:1, “Wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself.” “If we condemn others when we are worse than they, we are like bad trees pretending to bear good fruit.” Bengel.

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Old Testament