Mark 12:1

ἘΝ ΠΑΡΑΒΟΛΑΙ͂Σ. Cf. Mark 3:23; Mark 4:2. Mk gives only one parable, but Mt. gives three. This and the Sower and the Mustard Seed are the three parables which are in all three Synoptics, and Mt. places this parable between the Two Sons, which treats of work in the vineyard, and the Marriage of the Ki... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 12:2

ΤΩ͂Ν ΚΑΡΠΩ͂Ν ([2651][2652][2653][2654][2655][2656]) rather than τοῦ καρποῦ ([2657][2658][2659][2651] Codex Sinaiticus. 4th cent. Discovered by Tischendorf in 1859 at the Monastery of St Katharine on Mount Sinai. Now at St Petersburg. The whole Gospel, ending at Mark 16:8. Photographic facsimile, 191... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 12:3

ΚΑῚ ΛΑΒΌΝΤΕΣ ([2660][2661][2662][2663][2664] 33) rather than οἱ δὲ λαβόντες ([2665][2666][2667][2668]). See on Mark 1:14. [2660] Codex Sinaiticus. 4th cent. Discovered by Tischendorf in 1859 at the Monastery of St Katharine on Mount Sinai. Now at St Petersburg. The whole Gospel, ending at Mark 16:8... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 12:4

ἘΚΕΦΑΛΊΩΣΑΝ ([2669][2670][2671][2672]) rather than ἐκεφαλαίωσαν ([2673][2674][2675][2676] etc.), which could hardly mean “treated him summarily.” [2677][2678][2679][2680][2681] 33 omit λιθοβολήσαντες (from Mt.). ἨΤΊΜΑΣΑΝ or ἨΤΊΜΗΣΑΝ ([2682][2683][2684][2685][2686] 33) rather than ἀπέστειλαν ἠτιμωμέν... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 12:5

5. [2693][2694][2695][2696][2697][2698][2699] 33 omit πάλιν. [2693] Codex Sinaiticus. 4th cent. Discovered by Tischendorf in 1859 at the Monastery of St Katharine on Mount Sinai. Now at St Petersburg. The whole Gospel, ending at Mark 16:8. Photographic facsimile, 1911. [2694] Codex Vaticanus. 4th... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 12:6

6. The text is confused; read ἜΤΙ ἝΝΑ ΕἾΧΕΝ ΥἹΌΝ, ἈΓΑΠΗΤΌΝ· ἈΠΈΣΤΕΙΛΕΝ ΑΥ̓ΤῸΝ ἜΣΧΑΤΟΝ ΠΡῸΣ ΑΥ̓ΤΟΎΣ ([2700][2701][2702][2703]); other witnesses support portions of this reading. In Mark 12:6; Mark 12:9; Mark 12:20; Mark 12:23; Mark 12:27; Mark 12:37, the οὖν is almost certainly an interpolation. Perh... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 12:7

ἘΚΕΙ͂ΝΟΙ ΔΈ. The pronoun places the men at a distance from the writer in abhorrence; _But those wicked men, the husbandmen_; cf. Mark 14:21; John 8:44; John 10:1; see on John 13:30. The scene recalls that of Joseph’s brethren plotting against him; δεῦτε� are their words also (Genesis 37:20). The kil... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 12:8

ΚΑῚ ἘΞΈΒΑΛΟΝ ΑΥ̓ΤΌΝ. They flung out his corpse to the birds and beasts; a last act of defiance and insult. Mt. and Lk. make the casting out precede the slaying, possibly because Christ was crucified outside Jerusalem. Naboth was taken outside the city to be stoned (1 Kings 21:13); also Stephen (Acts... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 12:9

ἘΛΕΎΣΕΤΑΙ ΚΑῚ�. Mt. says that the members of the Sanhedrin made this reply, and it may represent the presentiments of some of them; but doubtless it was our Lord who uttered it. It predicts the destruction of Jerusalem, of the Jews as a nation, and of Judaism as represented by the Temple-worship. Δ... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 12:10

ΟΥ̓ΔῈ ΤῊΝ ΓΡΑΦῊΝ ΤΑΎΤΗΝ�. _Have ye not read even this scripture?_ (R.V.). “Did ye never read” occurs Mark 2:25; Matthew 21:16; cf. Matthew 19:4; Matthew 22:31. Ἡ γραφή in N.T. commonly means a particular passage; the O.T. as a whole is αἱ γραρφί (Mark 12:24). See on John 2:22. ΛΊΘΟΝ ὋΝ�. Attraction... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 12:11

ΠΑΡᾺ ΚΥΡΊΟΥ ἘΦΈΝΕΤΟ ΑὝΤΗ. Either _From Jehovah this corner-stone came_, or _From Jehovah this came to pass = This was from the Lord_ (R.V.). In the latter case αὕτη is a Hebraism, αὕτη = “this thing.” Cf. οὐκ ἐγένετο ὡς αὕτη (Judges 19:30); αὑ γέγονεν τοιαύτη (1 Samuel 4:7); αὕτη με παρεκάλεσεν (Psa... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 12:12

ΑΥ̓ΤῸΝ ΚΡΑΤΗ͂ΣΑΙ. Cf. Mark 3:21; Mark 14:44; Mark 14:46; Mark 14:49; Mark 14:51. ΚΑῚ ἘΦΟΒΉΘΗΣΑΝ. We might expect ἀλλʼ ἐφοβήθησαν. Cf. Mark 6:19. The two statements, however, are put side by side, not in opposition, but in contrast. The hierarchy were continually trying to arrest Him, and, just when... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 12:13

ἈΠΟΣΤΈΛΛΟΥΣΙΝ. Mk in his conversational style supplies no nominative, and apparently it is the baffled Sanhedrists who send another relay of insidious questioners. Mt. says that the Pharisees are the senders. ΚΑῚ ΤΩ͂Ν ἩΡΩΙΔΙΑΝΩ͂Ν. We had this remarkable alliance Mark 3:6. The Herodians were obnoxio... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 12:14

ΚΑῚ ἘΛΘΌΝΤΕΣ ([2704][2705][2706][2707][2708][2709]) rather than οἱ δὲ ἐλθόντες ([2710][2711][2712][2713][2714]). See on Mark 1:14. [2704] Codex Sinaiticus. 4th cent. Discovered by Tischendorf in 1859 at the Monastery of St Katharine on Mount Sinai. Now at St Petersburg. The whole Gospel, ending at... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 12:15

ΕἸΔῺΣ ΑΥ̓ΤΩ͂Ν ΤῊΝ ὙΠΌΚΡΙΣΙΝ. All three point out that Christ saw their insidious acting, but each uses a different verb and substantive. Mt. γνοὺς πονηρίαν, while Lk. has his favourite κατανοήσας with πανουργίαν. One might have expected Mt. to prefer εἰδώς (intuitive knowledge) to γνούς (knowledge g... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 12:16

ἘΠΙΓΡΑΦΉ. Existing coins of Tiberius have round the head TI·CAESAR·DIVI·AVG·F·AVG·, and on the reverse PONTIF·MAXIM. Cf. Τίνα ἔχει χαρακτήρα τοῦτο τὸ τετρασσάριον; Τραιανοῦ (Epict. _Dis_. iv. 5). The question there is asked for a didactic purpose, but a different one.... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 12:17

17. [2715][2716][2717][2718][2719] omit ἀποκριθείς See on Mark 7:6; Mark 10:5. ἘΞΕΘΑΎΜΑΖΟΝ ([2720][2721][2722]) rather than ἐθαύμαζον ([2723]2[2724][2725]) or ἐθαύμασαν ([2726][2727][2728][2729][2730][2731]). [2715] Codex Sinaiticus. 4th cent. Discovered by Tischendorf in 1859 at the Monastery of S... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 12:18

ΣΑΔΔΟΥΚΑΙ͂ΟΙ. Mk mentions them nowhere else; nor does Lk., except in Acts. Jn nowhere mentions them. In Mt. they are six times coupled with the Pharisees. We may regard them as the priestly aristocracy. They were much less numerous than the Pharisees and much less popular. Josephus (_Ant._ XVIII. i.... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 12:19

ἘΆΝ ΤΙΝΟΣ�. The allusion is to Deuteronomy 25:5, but the exact words are not quoted; nor do the Synoptists agree in their wording. ΜῊ�. Deuteronomy 25:5 says “have no _son_,” but in LXX. σπέρμα is used, and the Talmud says that the deceased brother must have no _child_. Here all three say _child_les... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 12:20

20. [2732][2733][2734][2735][2736] omit οὖν. See on Mark 12:6. [2732] Codex Sinaiticus. 4th cent. Discovered by Tischendorf in 1859 at the Monastery of St Katharine on Mount Sinai. Now at St Petersburg. The whole Gospel, ending at Mark 16:8. Photographic facsimile, 1911. [2733] Codex Alexandrinus.... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 12:21

ΜῊ ΚΑΤΑΛΙΠῺΝ ΣΠΈΡΜΑ ([2737][2738][2739][2740][2741] 33) rather than καὶ οὐδὲ αὐτὸς� ([2742][2743][2744][2745]). [2737] Codex Sinaiticus. 4th cent. Discovered by Tischendorf in 1859 at the Monastery of St Katharine on Mount Sinai. Now at St Petersburg. The whole Gospel, ending at Mark 16:8. Photogra... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 12:22

22. Read ΚΑῚ ΟἹ ἙΠΤᾺ ΟΥ̓Κ� ([2746][2747][2748][2749][2750]). [2746] Codex Sinaiticus. 4th cent. Discovered by Tischendorf in 1859 at the Monastery of St Katharine on Mount Sinai. Now at St Petersburg. The whole Gospel, ending at Mark 16:8. Photographic facsimile, 1911. [2747] Codex Vaticanus. 4th... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 12:23

23. [2751][2752][2753][2754][2755][2756][2757][2758] omit οὖν (see on Mark 12:6) and ὅταν�. [2751] Codex Sinaiticus. 4th cent. Discovered by Tischendorf in 1859 at the Monastery of St Katharine on Mount Sinai. Now at St Petersburg. The whole Gospel, ending at Mark 16:8. Photographic facsimile, 1911... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 12:24

24. [2759][2760][2761][2762][2763] omit καὶ�. See on Mark 12:17. [2759] Codex Sinaiticus. 4th cent. Discovered by Tischendorf in 1859 at the Monastery of St Katharine on Mount Sinai. Now at St Petersburg. The whole Gospel, ending at Mark 16:8. Photographic facsimile, 1911. [2760] Codex Vaticanus.... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 12:25

ΟΥ̓́ΤΕ ΓΑΜΟΥ͂ΣΙΝ ΟΥ̓́ΤΕ ΓΑΜΊΖΟΝΤΑΙ. The former, as in class. Grk, of the man, the latter of the woman, who is given in marriage by her father (1 Corinthians 7:38). The questioners did not see that God could not only grant life in another world, but also make it very different from life in this world... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 12:26

ΟΥ̓Κ�; The first-mentioned cause of error, ignorance of Scripture, is now corrected. We have had a similar question Mark 2:25 (see note and Mark 12:10). ἘΝ ΤΗ͂Ι ΒΊΒΛΩΙ ΜΩΥΣΈΩΣ. This tells us nothing as to the authorship of the Pentateuch or of the passage quoted. Our Lord uses “Moses” and “David” i... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 12:27

27. [2764][2765][2766][2767][2768][2769][2770] omit ΘΕΌΣ. [2771][2772][2773][2774][2775] omit ὑμεῖς οὖν. [2764] Codex Sinaiticus. 4th cent. Discovered by Tischendorf in 1859 at the Monastery of St Katharine on Mount Sinai. Now at St Petersburg. The whole Gospel, ending at Mark 16:8. Photographic fa... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 12:28

ΕἸΔΏΣ ([2776]c[2777][2778][2779][2780][2781][2782]) rather than ἰδών ([2783][2784][2785][2786][2787][2776] Codex Sinaiticus. 4th cent. Discovered by Tischendorf in 1859 at the Monastery of St Katharine on Mount Sinai. Now at St Petersburg. The whole Gospel, ending at Mark 16:8. Photographic facsimil... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 12:29

29. [2788][2789][2790][2791] omit πασῶν τῶν ἐντολῶν. [2788] Codex Sinaiticus. 4th cent. Discovered by Tischendorf in 1859 at the Monastery of St Katharine on Mount Sinai. Now at St Petersburg. The whole Gospel, ending at Mark 16:8. Photographic facsimile, 1911. [2789] Codex Vaticanus. 4th cent., b... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 12:30

30. [2792][2793][2794][2795][2796] omit αὕτη πρώτη ἐντολή. [2792] Codex Sinaiticus. 4th cent. Discovered by Tischendorf in 1859 at the Monastery of St Katharine on Mount Sinai. Now at St Petersburg. The whole Gospel, ending at Mark 16:8. Photographic facsimile, 1911. [2793] Codex Vaticanus. 4th ce... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 12:31

ΔΕΥΤΈΡΑ ΑὝΤΗ ([2797][2798][2799][2800]) rather than καὶ δευτέρα ὁμοία αὕτη ([2801][2802][2803][2804]). [2797] Codex Sinaiticus. 4th cent. Discovered by Tischendorf in 1859 at the Monastery of St Katharine on Mount Sinai. Now at St Petersburg. The whole Gospel, ending at Mark 16:8. Photographic facs... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 12:32

ΕἿΣ ἘΣΤΙΝ ([2805][2806][2807][2808][2809]) rather than εἷς ἐστιν θεός ([2810][2805] Codex Sinaiticus. 4th cent. Discovered by Tischendorf in 1859 at the Monastery of St Katharine on Mount Sinai. Now at St Petersburg. The whole Gospel, ending at Mark 16:8. Photographic facsimile, 1911. [2806] Codex... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 12:33

33. [2811][2812][2813][2814][2815] omit καἰ ἐξ ὅλης τῆς ψυχῆς (from Mark 12:30). [2811] Codex Sinaiticus. 4th cent. Discovered by Tischendorf in 1859 at the Monastery of St Katharine on Mount Sinai. Now at St Petersburg. The whole Gospel, ending at Mark 16:8. Photographic facsimile, 1911. [2812] C... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 12:34

ΝΟΥΝΕΧΩ͂Σ. Here only in Bibl. Grk, and nowhere else in our Bible does _discreetly_ appear. Polybius has νουνεχῶς several times, combining it with πρακτικῶς and φρονίμως. The Scribe showed νοῦς (1 Corinthians 14:14-15; Revelation 17:9) or intelligence in seeing that moral duties are far more importan... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 12:35

ἈΠΟΚΡΙΘΕΊΣ. Syr-Sin. omits. As in Mark 9:5; Mark 11:14; Mark 15:12, we have ἀποκριθείς of responding to circumstances which elicit utterance. No words are recorded as calling for a reply; but His critics have been testing Him with questions, and now He closes the debate with a question of His own. H... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 12:36

36. [2816][2817][2818][2819][2820] omit γάρ. See on Mark 12:6. ὙΠΟΚΆΤΩ ([2821][2822][2823]) rather than ὑποπόδιον (from LXX. of Psalms 110:1). [2816] Codex Sinaiticus. 4th cent. Discovered by Tischendorf in 1859 at the Monastery of St Katharine on Mount Sinai. Now at St Petersburg. The whole Gospel... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 12:37

37. [2824][2825][2826][2827][2828][2829] omit οὖν. See on Mark 12:6. [2824] Codex Sinaiticus. 4th cent. Discovered by Tischendorf in 1859 at the Monastery of St Katharine on Mount Sinai. Now at St Petersburg. The whole Gospel, ending at Mark 16:8. Photographic facsimile, 1911. [2825] Codex Vatican... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 12:38

ἘΝ ΤΗ͂Ι ΔΙΔΑΧΗ͂Ι ΑΥ̓ΤΟΥ͂ ἜΛΕΓΕΝ. As often, Mk has imperf. where Mt. and Lk. have aor. Only a brief denunciation is here common to all three; somewhat more is common to Mk and Lk.; but the greater part is in Mt. alone, who, however, has evidently strung together in one discourse denunciations which w... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 12:39

ΠΡΩΤΟΚΑΘΕΔΡΊΑΣ. These seem to have been at one end of the synagogue, in the centre, facing the congregation. Cf. Luke 11:43. Edersheim, _Sketches of Jewish Social Life_, p. 263. ΠΡΩΤΟΚΛΙΣΊΑΣ. _Chief places_ (R.V.), not “uppermost rooms” (A.V.). We cannot be sure which these were in our Lord’s time,... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 12:40

ΚΑΤΕΣΘΊΟΝΤΕΣ ΤᾺΣ ΟἸΚΊΑΣ. Here again we have an easy conversational style; τῶν θελόντων is forgotten. These Scribes abused the hospitality and benevolence of devout women. Widows are mentioned as being those who ought least of all to have been thus treated (Exodus 22:22-24; Deuteronomy 10:18, etc.).... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 12:41

41. [2830][2831][2832][2833][2834] omit ὁ Ἰησοῦς. after καθίσας. See on Mark 5:13. [2830] Codex Sinaiticus. 4th cent. Discovered by Tischendorf in 1859 at the Monastery of St Katharine on Mount Sinai. Now at St Petersburg. The whole Gospel, ending at Mark 16:8. Photographic facsimile, 1911. [2831]... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 12:42

ΜΊΑ ΧΉΡΑ ΠΤΩΧΉ. The use of εἷς for τις, common enough in modern Greek, had begun before this period, and this may be an instance; Lk. has τινα. On the other hand, μία may point to her loneliness; it certainly contrasts her with the many wealthy givers. That she had been beggared by the Pharisees, or... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 12:43

ἜΒΑΛΕΝ ([2835]c[2836][2837][2838][2839][2840] 33) rather than βέβληκεν ([2841][2842][2843]). ΒΑΛΛΌΝΤΩΝ ([2844][2845][2846][2847][2848][2849]) rather than βαλόντων ([2850][2851][2852][2835] Codex Sinaiticus. 4th cent. Discovered by Tischendorf in 1859 at the Monastery of St Katharine on Mount Sinai.... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 12:44

ἘΚ ΤΟΥ͂ ΠΕΡΙΣΣΕΎΟΝΤΟΣ. see on 2 Corinthians 8:12; 2 Corinthians 8:14. _Non perpendit Deus quantum in sacrificio, sed ex quanto proferatur_ (Bede). Vulg. here has _ex eo quod abundabat illis_; in Lk. _ex abundanti_. ἘΚ ΤΗ͂Σ ὙΣΤΕΡΉΣΕΩΣ. They had a great deal more than they needed, while she had a grea... [ Continue Reading ]

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Old Testament