ἐπέβαλαν τὰς χεῖρας. This is the commonest use of ἐπιβάλλω in N.T. Cf. Luke 20:19; Luke 21:12; John 7:30; John 7:44, etc. Note the 2nd aor. with 1st aor. termination ([3331][3332] and see on εἴδαμεν, Mark 2:12.

[3331] Codex Sinaiticus. 4th cent. Discovered by Tischendorf in 1859 at the Monastery of St Katharine on Mount Sinai. Now at St Petersburg. The whole Gospel, ending at Mark 16:8. Photographic facsimile, 1911.

[3332] Codex Vaticanus. 4th cent., but perhaps a little later than א. In the Vatican Library almost since its foundation by Pope Nicolas V., and one of its greatest treasures. The whole Gospel, ending at Mark 16:8. Photographic facsimile, 1889.

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Old Testament