οἱ� … μετὰ τῶν γραμματέων. On such a day, the eve of the Passover and of the Sabbath, these priests and scribes must have come on purpose to mock. Judges capable of striking and spitting at their Prisoner (Mark 14:65) would be equally capable of making derisive remarks in His hearing. They talk at the dying Sufferer, not like the passers by, to Him. Their scornful remarks to one another are meant to be heard by Him and by others. See on Mark 10:34. But the Evangelists let the malignity of the hierarchy speak for itself; they record it without denouncing it. Loisy remarks that it is improbable that the majority of the Sanhedrin would be present at the crucifixion. Perhaps so, but Mk does not say that they were. Enough were there to justify the statement that the priests and the scribes flung about insulting words.

Ἄλλους ἔσωσεν. These words also are in all three. He healed others; Himself He cannot heal. This is a freq. meaning of the verb in the Gospels (Mark 3:4; Mark 5:23; Mark 5:28; Mark 5:34; Mark 6:56; Mark 10:52; etc.). The prince of the demons, they said, helped Him to heal others (Mark 3:22), but He can get no such help for Himself. In the Gospel of Nicodemus the saying is expanded thus: “Others He saved, others He cured, and He healed the sick, the paralytic, the lepers, the demoniacs, the blind, the lame, the dead; and Himself He cannot cure.” His enemies had never been able to deny the fact of His miraculous healings.

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Old Testament