νεανίσκον. Mk leaves us to infer that this was an Angel. The sobriety of all four narratives is in marked contrast to the grotesque story in the Gospel of Peter, and it leaves us with the impression that there is a basis of solid fact. Cf. 2Ma 3:26; 2Ma 3:33; 2Ma 10:29; 2Ma 11:8. We must allow (1) for the intense excitement of the women at finding the sepulchre open and empty, (2) for the diversity of the impressions which each of them received, and (3) for the difficulty which each of them would have in describing her own experiences. We must also allow (4) for the unintentional inaccuracy with which those to whom they told their experiences would repeat what they had been told. It is more reasonable to believe that facts have been misunderstood and misreported, than to believe that there are no facts, but that all the narratives are the outcome of delusion or deliberate fiction. The substantial facts, common to all the narratives, are that early on Sunday morning women went to the tomb to see the Body which had been placed there, and that what they sought was not found; the tomb was empty. The explanation, slowly grasped at the time and confirmed afterwards, was that He had risen. All this is more like sober history than myth.

στολὴν λευκήν. See on Mark 12:38.

ἐξεθαμβήθησαν. See on Mark 9:15. They were amazed (R.V.), but no doubt something of fright (A.V.) was mingled with their astonishment.

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Old Testament