διεγερθείς. Pointing back to ἐγείρουσιν (Mark 4:38); He awoke (R.V.); not “He arose” (A.V.).

Σιώπα, πεφίμωσο. Mk alone preserves these words. Cf. Mark 1:25 and the rebuke to the braggart fig-tree (Mark 11:14). The asyndeton is peremptory. The rare perf. imperat. indicates that what is commanded is to continue in its effects; be still and remain so. Cf. ἔρρωσθε, Acts 15:29. For σιωπάω see on Mark 10:48.

ἐγένετο γαλήνη. In all three. This was more marvellous than the “sinking to rest” of the wind. Wind sometimes has dropped suddenly, and yet “the sea wrought and was tempestuous” long after the wind ceased. In Jonah 1:11, κοπάζω is used of the sea sinking to rest. There are several points of similarity between the two narratives; but there are more and far stronger points of contrast.

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Old Testament