Mark 8:1

ΠΆΛΙΝ ΠΟΛΛΟΥ͂ ([1541][1542][1543][1544][1545][1546][1547][1548] 33) rather than παμπόλλου ([1549][1550][1551] etc.), a word not found elsewhere in Bibl. Grk. [1552][1553][1554][1555][1556][1557][1558] omit ὁ Ἰησοῦς. See on Mark 5:13. [1541] Codex Sinaiticus. 4th cent. Discovered by Tischendorf in 1... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 8:2

ἩΜΈΡΑΙ ΤΡΕΙ͂Σ ([1559][1560][1561][1562][1563][1564]) rather than ἡμέραις τρισίν ([1565] or ἡμέρας τρεῖν ([1566]), which look like grammatical corrections. [1559] Codex Sinaiticus. 4th cent. Discovered by Tischendorf in 1859 at the Monastery of St Katharine on Mount Sinai. Now at St Petersburg. The... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 8:3

ΚΑΊ ΤΙΝΕΣ ([1567][1568][1569][1570]) rather than τινὲς γάρ ([1571][1572][1573][1574][1575]). ἈΠῸ ΜΑΚΡΌΘΕΝ ([1576][1577][1578][1579][1580]) rather than μακρόθεν ([1581][1582][1583][1584][1585]). ΕἸΣΊΝ ([1586][1587][1588]) rather than ἥκασιν ([1589][1590][1591][1592] or ἥκουσιν ([1593][1594][1595] etc... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 8:4

4. As in Mark 4:21, ὍΤΙ is omitted in most authorities, but is probably original ([1596][1597][1598]). [1596] Codex Vaticanus. 4th cent., but perhaps a little later than א. In the Vatican Library almost since its foundation by Pope Nicolas V., and one of its greatest treasures. The whole Gospel, en... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 8:5

ἨΡΏΤΑ. The imperf. is probably conversational; Mt. has λέγει. See notes on Mark 6:38 f. The first aor. εἶπα is freq. in class. Grk.... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 8:6

ΠΑΡΑΓΓΈΛΛΕΙ ([1599][1600][1601][1602][1603]) rather than παρήγγειλεν ([1604][1605][1606][1607][1608][1609]). ΠΑΡΑΤΙΘΩ͂ΣΙΝ ([1610][1611][1612][1613][1614][1615]) rather than παραθῶσιν ([1616][1617][1618][1619][1620]). [1599] Codex Sinaiticus. 4th cent. Discovered by Tischendorf in 1859 at the Monast... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 8:7

ΕἾΧΑΝ. So [1830][1831][1832][1833]. Cf. Revelation 9:8 and 2 John 1:5; also παρεῖχαν, Acts 28:2. [1830] Codex Sinaiticus. 4th cent. Discovered by Tischendorf in 1859 at the Monastery of St Katharine on Mount Sinai. Now at St Petersburg. The whole Gospel, ending at Mark 16:8. Photographic facsimile,... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 8:8

ΚΑῚ ἜΦΑΓΟΝ ([1621][1622][1623][1624][1625]) rather than ἔφαγον δέ ([1626][1627][1628][1629][1630]). See on Mark 1:14. [1621] Codex Sinaiticus. 4th cent. Discovered by Tischendorf in 1859 at the Monastery of St Katharine on Mount Sinai. Now at St Petersburg. The whole Gospel, ending at Mark 16:8. Ph... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 8:9

9. [1631][1632][1633][1634] omit οἱ φαγόντες. [1631] Codex Sinaiticus. 4th cent. Discovered by Tischendorf in 1859 at the Monastery of St Katharine on Mount Sinai. Now at St Petersburg. The whole Gospel, ending at Mark 16:8. Photographic facsimile, 1911. [1632] Codex Vaticanus. 4th cent., but perh... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 8:10

ΕἸΣ ΤῸ ΠΛΟΙ͂ΟΝ. _Into the boat_ which He often used (Mark 3:9; Mark 4:36; Mark 6:32). Syr-Sin. has “He went up and _sat in_ the ship”; and again in Mark 8:13, “He left them again and _sat in_ the ship.” ΕἸΣ ΤᾺ ΜΈΡΗ ΔΑΛΜΑΝΟΥΘΆ. Mt. says εἰς τὰ ὅρια Μαγαδάν. Neither Dalmanutha nor Magadan is known, an... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 8:11

ἘΞΗ͂ΛΘΟΝ. As if from an ambush. ΟἹ ΦΑΡΙΣΑΙ͂ΟΙ. Mt. adds the Sadducees, and he does so six times. Mk and Lk. mention the Sadducees only once, Jn not at all. _They began_ once more _to question with Him_; for some time He had escaped them. See on Mark 1:27. ΣΗΜΕΙ͂ΟΝ�. A voice, a return of the manna o... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 8:12

ἈΝΑΣΤΕΝΆΞΑΣ. “Sighed from the bottom of His heart”; stronger than στενάζω (Mark 7:34; Romans 8:23; etc.), and here only in N.T. In Lamentations 1:4 of the sighing of Zion’s priests; Sir 25:18 of the husband of a wicked wife. Syr-Sin. has “He was troubled in spirit.” Cf. ἀνακρίνω, ἀναλύω, ἀναπαύω. On... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 8:13

13. [1635][1636][1637][1638][1639][1640] omit εἰς τὸ πλοῖον after πάλιν ἐμβάς. Hence the italics in R.V. [1635] Codex Sinaiticus. 4th cent. Discovered by Tischendorf in 1859 at the Monastery of St Katharine on Mount Sinai. Now at St Petersburg. The whole Gospel, ending at Mark 16:8. Photographic fa... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 8:14

ἘΠΕΛΆΘΟΝΤΟ. _They forgot_ (R.V.). This is not quite parallel to Mark 5:8, where “He _had_ said” best represents the meaning of the imperf. But Burton (§ 48) supports A.V. in rendering “they _had_ forgotten” here. ἘΝ ΤΩ͂Ι ΠΛΟΊΩΙ. According to Mt., what follows took place after they had landed on the... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 8:15

ΔΙΕΣΤΈΛΛΕΤΟ. In Mark 5:43; Mark 7:36; Mark 9:9 we have the aor., as elsewhere in N.T. The imperf. may mean that the charge was given more than once; or, like εἶχον, it refers to the time in the boat,—they were short of bread and He was saying this; or it may be the conversational imperf. Mt. has εἶπ... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 8:16

16. [1641][1642][1643][1644] omit λέγοντες after ἀλλήλους. [1641] Codex Sinaiticus. 4th cent. Discovered by Tischendorf in 1859 at the Monastery of St Katharine on Mount Sinai. Now at St Petersburg. The whole Gospel, ending at Mark 16:8. Photographic facsimile, 1911. [1642] Codex Vaticanus. 4th ce... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 8:17

17. [1645][1646][1647][1648][1649][1650] omit ἔτι. [1645] Codex Sinaiticus. 4th cent. Discovered by Tischendorf in 1859 at the Monastery of St Katharine on Mount Sinai. Now at St Petersburg. The whole Gospel, ending at Mark 16:8. Photographic facsimile, 1911. [1646] Codex Vaticanus. 4th cent., but... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 8:18

ὈΦΘΑΛΜΟῪΣ ἜΧΟΝΤΕΣ. From Jeremiah 5:21; Ezekiel 12:2. This also is omitted in Mt. Cf. Oxyrh. Logia 3, ὅτι τυφλοί εἰσιν τῇ καρδίᾳ αὐτῶν καὶ οὐ βλέπουσιν, πτωχοὶ καὶ οὐκ οἴδασιν τὴν πτωχίαν. ΚΑῚ ΟΥ̓ ΜΝΗΜΟΝΕΎΕΤΕ. This may be an independent sentence; either _And do ye not remember_? (A.V., R.V.), or “An... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 8:19

ἜΚΛΑΣΑ ΕἸΣ Τ. ΠΕΝΤΑΚΙΣΧΙΛΊΟΥΣ. The compound, κατέκλασεν (Mark 6:41), is not repeated. The use of εἰς instead of the _dat. comm._ is freq. in late Greek. Cf. εἰς τοὺς ἁγίους (1 Corinthians 16:1; 2 Corinthians 8:4; 2 Corinthians 9:1), εἰς τοὺς πτωχούς (Romans 15:26), etc. It is found in LXX. and in pa... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 8:21

ΟΥ̓́ΠΩ ([1651][1652][1653][1654][1655][1656]) rather than πῶς οὔπω ([1657][1658][1659][1660] or πῶς οὐ ([1661][1662], d). Note the difference between [1663] and d. [1651] Codex Sinaiticus. 4th cent. Discovered by Tischendorf in 1859 at the Monastery of St Katharine on Mount Sinai. Now at St Petersb... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 8:22

ἜΡΧΟΝΤΑΙ ([1664]c[1665][1666][1667][1668][1669] 33) rather than ἔρχεται ([1670][1671][1672][1673][1674][1675][1676]). [1664] Codex Sinaiticus. 4th cent. Discovered by Tischendorf in 1859 at the Monastery of St Katharine on Mount Sinai. Now at St Petersburg. The whole Gospel, ending at Mark 16:8. Ph... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 8:23

ΒΛΈΠΕΙΣ ([1677][1678][1679][1680][1681]) rather than βλέπει ([1682][1683][1684]2[1685][1686][1687][1688]). [1677] Codex Vaticanus. 4th cent., but perhaps a little later than א. In the Vatican Library almost since its foundation by Pope Nicolas V., and one of its greatest treasures. The whole Gospel... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 8:24

ὍΤΙ ὩΣ ΔΈΝΔΡΑ ὉΡΩ͂ ΠΕΡΙΠΑΤΟΥ͂ΝΤΑΣ ([1689][1690][1691][1692][1693][1694][1695][1696][1697]) rather than ὡς δεν. περιπ. ([1698]2[1699] Versions). [1689] Codex Sinaiticus. 4th cent. Discovered by Tischendorf in 1859 at the Monastery of St Katharine on Mount Sinai. Now at St Petersburg. The whole Gospe... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 8:25

ἘΝΈΒΛΕΠΕΝ ([1700]c[1701][1702][1703]) rather than ἐνέβλεψεν ([1704][1705][1706][1707]). ἍΠΑΝΤΑ ([1708][1709][1710][1711][1712]) rather than ἅπαντας ([1713][1714]2[1715][1716]). [1700] Codex Sinaiticus. 4th cent. Discovered by Tischendorf in 1859 at the Monastery of St Katharine on Mount Sinai. Now... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 8:26

26. The confusion in this verse is great; see WH., _Introd._ § 140. [1717][1718][1719] omit μηδὲ εἴπῃς κ.τ.λ. [1717] Codex Sinaiticus. 4th cent. Discovered by Tischendorf in 1859 at the Monastery of St Katharine on Mount Sinai. Now at St Petersburg. The whole Gospel, ending at Mark 16:8. Photograph... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 8:27

ἘΞΗ͂ΛΘΕΝ. He left Bethsaida, which had been rebuilt by Philip the tetrarch and named Julias in honour of the daughter of Augustus, and came to the neighbourhood of Paneas, which had been rebuilt by Philip and named Caesarea in honour of Augustus himself (Joseph. _Ant._ XVIII. ii. 1). It was called Κ... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 8:28

ΕἾΠΑΝ ΑΥ̓ΤΩ͂Ι ΛΈΓΟΝΤΕΣ ([1720][1721][1722][1723][1724]) rather than ἀπεκρίθησαν ([1725][1726][1727][1728][1729]). ὍΤΙ ΕἿΣ ([1730][1731][1732][1733][1734] rather than ἕνα ([1735][1736]3[1737][1738][1739]). [1720] Codex Sinaiticus. 4th cent. Discovered by Tischendorf in 1859 at the Monastery of St Ka... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 8:29

ἘΠΗΡΏΤΑ ΑΥ̓ΤΟΎΣ ([1740][1741][1742][1743][1744][1745][1746]) rather than λέγει αὐτοῖς ([1747][1748]2[1749][1750][1751][1752]). [1740] Codex Sinaiticus. 4th cent. Discovered by Tischendorf in 1859 at the Monastery of St Katharine on Mount Sinai. Now at St Petersburg. The whole Gospel, ending at Mark... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 8:30

ἘΠΙΤΊΜΗΣΕΝ. Cf. Mark 1:25; Mark 3:12. The beginning and end of this narrative afford evidence of its historical character. A writer of fiction would hardly have taken Christ into heathen territory, and that without representing Him as preaching to the heathen; nor would he have said of Him that He e... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 8:31

ὙΠΌ ([1753][1754][1755][1756][1757][1758]) rather than ἀπό ([1759][1760]2[1761][1762][1763][1764]). ΜΕΤᾺ ΤΡΕΙ͂Σ ἩΜΈΡΑΣ ([1765][1766][1767][1768][1769] etc.) rather than τῇ τρίτῃ ἡμέρᾳ (dg Arm. Aeth.). Cf. Mark 9:31; Mark 10:34. [1753] Codex Sinaiticus. 4th cent. Discovered by Tischendorf in 1859 at... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 8:32

ΠΑΡΡΗΣΊΑΙ, _palam_. Here only in Mk, nowhere in Mt. or Lk., nine times in Jn, and four in 1 Jn. Mk makes it clear that the disciples’ misapprehension of the prediction, esp. as regards the Resurrection, was their own fault. Jesus Himself spoke quite clearly and without reserve. Originally παρρησίᾳ w... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 8:33

ΚΑῚ ΛΈΓΕΙ ([1770][1771][1772][1773][1774]) rather than λέγων ([1775][1776][1777][1778]). [1770] Codex Sinaiticus. 4th cent. Discovered by Tischendorf in 1859 at the Monastery of St Katharine on Mount Sinai. Now at St Petersburg. The whole Gospel, ending at Mark 16:8. Photographic facsimile, 1911.... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 8:34

ΕἼ ΤΙΣ ([1779][1780][1781][1782][1783][1784][1785]) rather than ὅστις ([1786][1787]2[1788][1789]). [1779] Codex Sinaiticus. 4th cent. Discovered by Tischendorf in 1859 at the Monastery of St Katharine on Mount Sinai. Now at St Petersburg. The whole Gospel, ending at Mark 16:8. Photographic facsimil... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 8:35

ὋΣ ΓᾺΡ ἘᾺΝ ΘΈΛΗΙ. _For whosoever would save_ (R.V.), or _de sireth to save_. “Will save” (A.V.) is too like the simple future, a defect found again in A.V. in Luke 19:14; John 6:67; John 7:17; John 8:44. The meaning of ψυχή varies in N.T., and we have no exact equivalent in English. It is (1) the ph... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 8:36

ὨΦΕΛΕΙ͂ ([1790][1791][1792] rather than ὠφελήσει ([1793][1794][1795][1796][1797][1798]). ΚΕΡΔΗ͂ΣΑΙ … ΖΗΜΙΩΘΗ͂ΝΑΙ ([1799][1800][1801] rather than ἐὰν κερδήσῃ … ζημιωθῇ ([1802][1803][1804][1805][1806][1807]). [1790] Codex Sinaiticus. 4th cent. Discovered by Tischendorf in 1859 at the Monastery of St... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 8:37

ΤΊ ΓΆΡ ([1808][1809][1810][1811]) rather than ἤ τί ([1812][1813][1814][1815]). ΔΟΙ͂ ([1816][1817] rather than δώσει ([1818][1819][1820][1821][1822]). [1808] Codex Sinaiticus. 4th cent. Discovered by Tischendorf in 1859 at the Monastery of St Katharine on Mount Sinai. Now at St Petersburg. The whole... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 8:38

ὋΣ ΓΆΡ. This fourth and last step in the reasoning looks back to the start in Mark 8:34, and it takes us beyond the experiences of this life to the final Judgment. Christ is revealing more and more of the mysteries of the Kingdom. “The possibilities of irreparable loss are manifold, _for_ whoever is... [ Continue Reading ]

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