Cambridge Greek Testament Commentary
Matthew 18:1-4
CHAPTER XVIII. _The disciples inquiring who should be greatest in Christ's_ _kingdom_, 1. _He takes occasion to recommend humility, simplicity, and_ _disinterestedness_, 2-6. _Warns them against...
See also Mark 9:33; Luke 9:46. WHO IS THE GREATEST IN THE KINGDOM, OF HEAVEN? - By the kingdom of heaven they meant the kingdom which they supposed he was about to set up - his kingdom as the Messiah....
6. INSTRUCTIONS TO HIS DISCIPLES. CONCERNING FORGIVENESS. CHAPTER 18 1. Concerning the Little Ones and Offences. (Matthew 18:1 .) 2. The Son of Man to Save What is Lost. (Matthew 18:11 .) 3. The Chu...
A CONVERSATION WITH THE TWELVE. For Matthew 18:1, the question of precedence, _cf._ Mark 9:33 *, also Matthew 20:26 f., Mark 10:43 f.,...
On that day the disciples came to Jesus. "Who, then," they said, "is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven?" Jesus called a little child and made him stand in the middle of them, and said, "This is th...
PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS (Matthew 18:1-35) Matthew 18:1-35 is a most important chapter for Christian Ethics, because it deals with those qualities which should characterize the personal relationships o...
AT = IN. Greek. _en._ App-104. TIME. hour. WHO. Who, then. GREATEST. greater. Put by Figure of speech _Heterosis_ (of Degree) for greatest. See App-6. THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN. See App-114. HEAVEN....
Matthew 18:1-4. A Lesson in Humility. The Kingdom of Heaven and Little Children Mark 9:33-37; Luke 9:46-48. 1. _At the same time_ "in that hour." The preceding incident and our Lord's words had again...
Ver l. At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, "Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?" 2. And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them, 3. And sai...
_THE HEART OF A CHRISTIAN IS CHARACTERIZED HUMILITY AND UNDERSTANDING MATTHEW 18:1-9:_ "Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the...
ΠΡΟΣΉΛΘΟΝ _aor. ind. act. от_ ΠΡΟΣΈΡΧΟΜΑΙ (G627) приходить, ΛΈΓΟΝΤΕΣ _praes. act. part. от_ ΛΈΓΩ (G3004) говорить, ΆΡ тогда; снова отсылает нас к эпизоду со сбором податей (RWP). ΜΕΊΖΩΝ (G3187) _со...
DISCOURSE: 1380 A LITTLE CHILD Matthew 18:1. At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him...
AT THE SAME TIME CAME THE DISCIPLES— This chapter is connected with the two preceding; for after Christ had delivered the keys of the kingdom of heaven to Peter, and had taken him up into the mountain...
Section 46 JESUS TRAINS THE TWELVE IN PERSONAL RELATIONS (Parallels: Mark 9:33-50; Luke 9:46-50) TEXT: 18:1-35 A. Humility and True Greatness 1 In that hour came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, Wh...
At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? For the exposition, see the notes at Mark 9:33....
24 See Exo_30:11-16; Exo_38:25-26. 24 According to the law every one who was numbered in Israel, being over twenty years of age, paid half a shekel to shelter his soul (Exo_30:12-14). It was used for...
18:1 greatest (d-13) The Greek word is the comparative, hence 'greater' than others. it is thus characteristic, not personal. 'Greatest' answers to it in English....
WHO IS THE GREATEST?] RV 'Who then is greatest?' The 'then'is explained from St. Mark's statement that on the way to Capernaum the disciples had been disputing who was the greatest. The Transfiguratio...
OFFENDING THE LITTLE ONES. THE UNMERCIFUL SERVANT 1-14. Ambition reproved, and humility taught by the example of a little child (Mark 9:33; Luke 9:46)....
MATTHEW’S GOOD NEWS MATTHEW’S *GOSPEL _HILDA BRIGHT_ CHAPTER 18 Chapter 18 is the fourth section of what Jesus taught. It ends in the same way as the other sections ‘Now when Jesus had finished...
XVIII. (1) WHO IS THE GREATEST IN THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN? — St. Mark records more fully that they had disputed about this in the way, that our Lord, knowing their thoughts (Luke 9:47), asked them what...
CHAPTER 14 Last Words at Capernaum - Matthew 17:22; Matthew 18:1 THE TEMPLE TRIBUTE Matthew 17:22 THE way southward lies through Galilee; but the time of Galilee's visitation is now over, so Jesus...
ἐν ἐκ. τ. ὥρᾳ, in that hour; the expression connects what follows very closely with the tax incident, and shows that the two things were intimately associated in the mind of the evangelist. τίς ἄρα με...
_Ambition rebuked_ (Mark 9:33-50; Luke 9:46-50; Luke 15:3-7; Luke 17:1-4)....
REMOVING STUMBLING-BLOCKS Matthew 18:1-9 Our Lord's transfiguration suggested that the time to take up His Kingdom was near; and the Apostles began to arrange their plans. The Master therefore used a...
What a sad state of heart prompted this question! How absolutely opposed to the whole genius of the Master's teaching and example! He replied by an act, and a statement growing out of that act. The ch...
Who, thinkest thou? This altercation for superiority among the apostles, whilst they were upon their road to Judea, might have arisen from another cause besides the precedence given by Jesus Christ to...
APOSTOLICAL AMBITION Matthew 18:1; Mark 9:33-35; Luke 9:46-47. Mark: “And being in the house, He asked them, What were you disputing about with one another on the road? And they were silent; for on th...
"At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? (2) And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them, (3) And said, Ver...
CONTENTS The Lord Jesus is here teaching his disciples humbleness, He speaks of his own, and his Father's good pleasure, for the salvation of everyone of his little ones. The Chapter is closed in a p...
Chapter 8, which opens the portion that comes before us tonight, is a striking illustration as well as proof of the method which God has been pleased to employ in giving us the apostle Matthew's accou...
_WHO IS THE GREATEST?_ ‘At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?’ Matthew 18:1 Three times over during the closing weeks of our Lord’s l...
Matthew 18:1._At that time the disciples came to Jesus. _It is evident from the other two Evangelists, that the disciples did not come to Christ of their own accord, but that, having secretly _dispute...
In chapter 18 the great principles proper to the new order of things are made known to the disciples. Let us search a little into these sweet and precious instructions of the Lord. They may be looked...
AT THE SAME TIME CAME THE DISCIPLES UNTO JESUS,.... When the receivers of the half shekel had spoke to Peter about his master's paying it, and Christ and he had conversed about it, by whose orders he...
At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? Ver. 1. _At the same time_] When he by paying tribute had been teaching them humility and modesty...
_At the same time_ When Jesus had just foretold his own sufferings, death, and resurrection; _came the disciples, saying, Who is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?_ Which of us shall be thy prime mini...
GREATEST; in that the kingdom on earth which they, in common with their countrymen, thought the Messiah would set up. Greatness in the view of men differs much from greatness in the sight of God. Men...
Though the Lord Jesus has been seen to forego His own rights, He who is by right infinitely great, the disciples show the opposite attitude in desiring some rights above those of others in the kingdom...
1-6 Christ spoke many words of his sufferings, but only one of his glory; yet the disciples fasten upon that, and overlook the others. Many love to hear and speak of privileges and glory, who are wil...
MATTHEW CHAPTER 18 MATTHEW 18:1 Christ proposes a little child to his disciples for a pattern of innocence and humility. MATTHEW 18:7 He warns them to avoid offences, though at the expense of a hand,...
Tertullian On Monogamy is it that He Himself withal should set upon His own official chair men who were mindful rather to enjoin-(but) not likewise to practise-sanctity of the flesh, which (sanctity)...
Matthew 18:1 At G1722 that G1565 time G5610 disciples G3101 came G4334 (G5656) Jesus G2424 saying G3004 ...
‘In that hour the disciples came to Jesus, saying, “Who then is greatest within the Kingly Rule of Heaven?” ' ‘In that hour' is similar to ‘at that time' and connects what is now said with what has ju...
GUIDANCE FOR THE NEW CONGREGATION (18:1-19:2). This chapter has been compared with the Manual of Discipline found at Qumran which was intended to regulate a specific community, and has been seen as si...
THE ONE WHO IS GREATEST IN THE KINGLY RULE OF HEAVEN IS THE ONE WHO HAS LEAST DESIRE TO BE SO AND DOES NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT (18:1-4). The ‘disciples' here are the ones who have ‘gathered' ready to...
The whole chapter forms one discourse, delivered upon one occasion, after the return to Capernaum, probably immediately succeeding the miracle just mentioned. Two distinct topics are spoken of: the _f...
Matthew 18:1. IN THAT HOUR. As Peter returned from paving the temple tax. According to Mark (Mark 9:33), our Lord first asked them about their dispute on this subject ‘in the way,' probably to Caperna...
WHO THEN IS GREATEST (τις αρα μειζων εστιν). The αρα seems to point back to the tax-collection incident when Jesus had claimed exemption for them all as "sons" of the Father. But it was not a new di...
KINGDOM (_ See Scofield) - (Matthew 3:2). _...
Matthew 18:1 Becoming like Little Children. I. The disciples had asked our Lord, "Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?" And the answer which our Lord made, though it did not give them any pa...
Matthew 18:1. _At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?_ The question we have sometimes heard asked in other forms, «Which is the highest...
CONTENTS: Sermon on the child text. Discipline in the church. Unity in prayer. Law of forgiveness. CHARACTERS: God, Jesus, Peter. CONCLUSION: Those are truly great who are truly humble and good, and...
Matthew 18:1. _Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?_ The comparative μειζων _greater,_ is put here for the superlative. By the kingdom of heaven, they meant the worldly glory of the church in...
WHO IS THE GREATEST? They had been arguing this question on the road (Mark 9:34). They still thought of an earthly kingdom, in political terms. They must have argued this question of "greatness" many...
_Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?_ THE GREATEST IN THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN I. The occasion of this question. The payment of the tribute money (Matthew 17:1.) They might have learnt from he...
MATTHEW—NOTE ON MATTHEW 18:1 The Community of the Messiah Revealed. This is the fourth of Jesus’ five major teachings in Matthew’s Gospel (see Introduction: Key Themes). Jesus instructs his disciples...
THE DISCIPLES ARGUE ABOUT WHO WOULD BE THE GREATEST MATTHEW 18:1-6; MARK 9:33-41; LUKE 9:46-50; MATTHEW 18:1 At the same time came the dis
1-35 CHAPTER 18 _At that time came_, &c. There seems to be a discrepancy here with Mark 9:31, where it is said that the disciples disputed about this matter in the way, and that afterwards, when they...
_CRITICAL NOTES_ Matthew 18:5. ONE SUCH LITTLE CHILD.—Whether literally or only morally a little child. Our Saviour had reference, we doubt not, to both phases of childhood. That He refers to literal...
EXPOSITION MATTHEW 18:1 _Discourse concerning the greatest in the kingdom of heaven, and the mutual duties of Christians_._ _(Mark 9:33; Luke 9:46-42.)...
Now at the same time there came disciples to Jesus, saying, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? (Matthew 18:1) Oh, boy how they longed for this. You're talking about motivation, and the disc...
Luke 22:24; Luke 9:46; Mark 10:14; Mark 10:15; Mark 10:35;...
The Rev. inserts then after who, thus restoring the Greek ara, which the A. V. overlooks. Who then? Who, as things stand. Since one of our number has been doubly honored in being called "the rock," an...
Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? — Which of us shall be thy prime minister? They still dreamed of a temporal kingdom....
Notwithstanding our blessed Saviour had so often told his disciples that his kingdom was not of this world, yet they still dreamt of. temporal and earthly kingdom, which he, as the Messias, should she...