πέμψας αὐτοὺς εἰς Βηθλεέμ. Up to this time the Magi are not said to have been guided by the star; they go to Bethlehem in accordance with Herod’s directions, which were based on the report of the Sanhedrin; as they went the star again appeared in the East.

ἐξετάζειν, ‘to enquire into the reality or essence of a thing’ (ἐτεός, ἐτός, εἰμί.) Used by Plato of the Socratic Elenchus: φιλοσοφοῦντά με ζῆν καὶ ἐξετάζοντα ἐμαυτὸν καὶ τοὺς ἄλλους. (Apol. Socr.)

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Old Testament