Revelation 19:1

ὌΧΛΟΥ ΠΟΛΛΟΥ͂. Primas[695] has _turbarum ingentium_. Vg[696] _turbarum multarum; am_[697]_ tubarum m_. [695] Primasius, edited by Haussleiter. [696] Vulgate. [697] Codex Amiatinus 6th century in Laurentian Library at Florence. ΚΑῚ Ἡ ΔΌΞΑ. א* omits. B2 Syr[698] insert after δύναμις. [698] Syriac.... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 19:2

ἜΦΘΕΙΡΕΝ. A has ἔκρινεν. 2. For the joy of the Saints in sympathy with God’s judgement see on Revelation 14:10. There is a passage somewhat like this in Enoch xlvii. 4: “Then were the hearts of the saints full of joy, because the number of righteousness was arrived, the supplication of the saints h... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 19:3

ΕἼΡΗΚΑΝ. C has εἶπαν. 3. ΚΑῚ … ἈΝΑΒΑΊΝΕΙ. Both the tense and the conjunction prove that the clause is part of the anthem. ΕἸΣ … ΑἸΏΝΩΝ. Hence Tyconius, excerpted by the homilist _ap_. St Augustine, Tom. III. Hom. xviii., inferred that Babylon was more than any single city, being the world-wide mys... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 19:4

ΚΑῚ ἜΠΕΣΑΝ … ἈΛΛΗΛΟΎΪΑ. Cf. Revelation 5:14, where also the thanksgiving closes with the homage of the Living Creatures and the Elders.... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 19:5

ΦΩΝῊ … ΛΈΓΟΥΣΑ. א* has φωναὶ … ἐξῆλθον λέγουσαι. ἩΜΩ͂Ν. Primas reads _vestrum_. 5. ἘΚ ΤΟΥ͂ ΘΡΌΝΟΥ. Possibly the voice of Christ, cf. Revelation 3:21. αἰνεῖτε. Compare the opening of Psalms 134, 135.... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 19:6

ὩΣ ΦΩΝΉΝ. 1* Primas[704] omit ὡς. [704] Primasius, edited by Haussleiter. ὌΧΛΟΥ ΠΟΛΛΟΥ͂. Primas[705] _tubarum multarum_. So Amb. Aut[706], Beat[707] _quasi vocem tubae magnae_. [705] Primasius, edited by Haussleiter. [706] Aut. Ambrosius Autpertus or Ansbertus. [707] Beatus, quoted by Haussleiter... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 19:7

ΧΑΊΡΩΜΕΝ. The joy of the festival which makes heaven and earth one follows inseparably on the joy of the judgement on earth. ΔΩ͂ΜΕΝ. The present subjunctive of this verb is not found in the New Testament, and even in the indicative the aorists are far commoner. If we read δώσομεν the construction w... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 19:8

ΚΑῚ ἘΔΌΘΗ ΑΥ̓ΤΗ͂Ι. “It was given to her”—the form is the same as recurs so often throughout the vision, from Revelation 6:2 onwards. This being so, it is not likely that this clause still forms part of the proclamation of the voice: it is the Seer’s description of the “making herself ready” which th... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 19:9

ΚΑῚ … ΓΡΆΨΟΝ. Arm[709] has _unus e presbyteris_ after καί. γράψον is omitted by 1 An[710][711], ba[712]. [709] Armenian. [710] Andreas’ Augsburg MS. 12th century. [711] Andreas’ Augsburg MS. 12th century. [712] Andreas’ Munich MS. ΤΟΥ͂ ΓΆΜΟΥ. א* P 1 And[713] omit. [713] Andreas Archbishop of Caes... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 19:10

ΠΡΟΣΚΥΝΗ͂ΣΑΙ. P has καὶ προσεκύνησα. ΤΩ͂Ι ΘΕΩ͂Ι. Cyp[714] reads _Jesum dominum_. [714] St Cyprian as quoted by Haussleiter. Ἡ … ἸΗΣΟΥ͂. Areth[715] has τοῦ υἱοῦ for Ἰησοῦ; Primas[716] _sanctificatio enim testificationis_. [715] Arethas, Archbishop of Caesarea. [716] Primasius, edited by Haussleit... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 19:11

ΚΑΛΟΎΜΕΝΟΣ. Lach[717] omits with Revelation 1 Hipp[718] And[719]? Areth[720]: the reading of am[721] fu[722] tol[723] _vocabatur fidelis et verax vocatur_ looks as if both verbs might be intrusive. [717] Lachmann’s larger edition. [718] St Hippolytus. The readings not given by Tischendorf are from... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 19:11-21

THE VICTORY OF THE RIDER ON THE WHITE HORSE There is no clear mark in the text that we have the beginning of a new vision here after the apparent break in Revelation 19:9-10. But for this break the connexion would be:—the seer _hears_ the joyful summons to the Marriage of the Lamb, perhaps has a gl... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 19:12

ΦΛῸΞ. Text. Rec[724] and Lach[725] prefix ὡς with A latt. [724] Rec. Textus Receptus as printed by Scrivener. [725] Lachmann’s larger edition. ὌΝΟΜΑ ΓΕΓΡΑΜΜΈΝΟΝ. אc substitutes and B2 prefixes ὀνόματα γεγραμμένα (B2 adding καὶ). Primas[726] has _nomen magnum scriptum_, i.q. ὄνομα μέγα which implie... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 19:13

ΒΕΒΑΜΜΈΝΟΝ with AB2 1; Tisch[727] περιρεραμμένον with א* (latt. _aspers., conspers., spars._). אcc περιρεραντισμένον, P ῥεραντισμένον. W. H[728] propose ῥεραμμένον. [727] Tischendorf: eighth edition; where the text aud notes differ the latter are cited. [728] H. Westcott aud Hort. 13. ΒΕΒΑΜΜΈΝΟΝ. S... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 19:14

ΤᾺ ΣΤΡΑΤΕΎΜΑΤΑ ἘΝ ΤΩ͂Ι ΟΥ̓ΡΑΝΩ͂Ι. According to ordinary O.T. usage (e.g. 1 Kings 22:19) this would mean the holy Angels exclusively, or at least primarily. But some think that the glorified Saints are at least included: it seems in harmony with the ideas of this Book to represent them, not indeed as... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 19:15

ὈΞΕΙ͂Α. B2 vg[729] prefix, Primas[730] substitutes δίστομος. [729] Vulgate. [730] Primasius, edited by Haussleiter. ΤΟΥ͂ ΘΥΜΟΥ͂ ΤΗ͂Σ ὈΡΓΗ͂Σ. Cyp[731] Primas[732] syr[733] read _irae_; א sah. Or. put τοῦ θ. after τῆς ὀργῆς; 95 before τοῦ οἴνου. [731] St Cyprian as quoted by Haussleiter. [732] Prim... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 19:16

ἘΠῚ ΤῸ ἹΜ. ΚΑΊ. A æth[734]rom[735] Cass[736] omit. [734] Aethiopic, Roman edition 1548 A.D. [735] Aethiopic, Roman edition 1548 A.D. [736] Cassiodorus. ἘΠῚ ΤῸΝ ΜΗΡΌΝ. א omits ἐπί. 16. ἘΠῚ ΤῸ ἹΜΆΤΙΟΝ ΚΑῚ ἘΠῚ ΤῸΝ ΜΗΡΌΝ. See crit. note. The meaning probably is “on the vesture of His thigh,” i.e. on... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 19:17

ἜΝΑ. א cop[737] sah. arm[738] Haym. read ἄλλον. B2 omits ἔνα. [737] Coptic. [738] Armenian. 17. ἝΝΑ ἌΓΓΕΛΟΝ. Probably ἕνα is merely the indefinite article as in Revelation 8:13, though here it is possible to think of one angel standing apart from the heavenly armies who roll by. ἘΝ ΤΩ͂Ι ἩΛΊΩΙ. Pe... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 19:19

ΤῸ ΘΗΡΊΟΝ, ΚΑῚ ΤΟῪΣ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙ͂Σ ΤΗ͂Σ ΓΗ͂Σ. Their confederacy under his leadership has been already intimated, Revelation 16:14; Revelation 16:16; Revelation 17:12-14. The so-called battle of Armageddon, there foretold, is here described.... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 19:20

ΚΑῚ ΜΕΤ ̓ ΑΥ̓ΤΟΥ͂ Ὁ Ψ. A cop[739] read καὶ οἱ μετ ̓ αὐτοῦ ὁ ψ.; B2 καὶ ὁ μετ ̓ αὐτοῦ ψ. Tyc[740] (ap. Beatum) reads _pseudoprophetae_. [739] Coptic. [740] Tyconius. ΖΩ͂ΝΤΕΣ. Primas[741] omits. [741] Primasius, edited by Haussleiter. ΟἹ ΔΎΟ. Arm[742] æth[743] omit. [742] Armenian. [743] Aethiopi... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 19:21

ΟἹ ΛΟΙΠΟΊ. They are not, at least at once, consigned to the same eternal torment as their leaders; but see Revelation 14:10; Revelation 20:15. ἘΝ ΤΗ͂Ι ῬΟΜΦΑΊΑΙ ΤΟΥ͂ ΚΑΘΗΜΈΝΟΥ. None of His followers have need to bear part in the battle: indeed they seem to bear no arms, Revelation 19:14. Compare the... [ Continue Reading ]

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