Cambridge Greek Testament Commentary
Revelation 2:12
ὁ ἔχων τὴν ῥομφαίαν. Mentioned because He threatens to use it, Revelation 2:16.
ὁ ἔχων τὴν ῥομφαίαν. Mentioned because He threatens to use it, Revelation 2:16.
_The Epistle to the Church at Pergamos._ Verse Revelation 2:12. _THE ANGEL OF THE CHURCH IN PERGAMOS_] See the description of this place, Revelation 1:11. _WHICH HATH THE SHARP SWORD_]...
AND TO THE ANGEL OF THE CHURCH IN PERGAMOS - See the notes on Revelation 1:20. THESE THINGS SAITH HE WHICH HATH THE SHARP SWORD, ... - See the notes on Revelation 1:16. Compare...
II. THE THINGS WHICH ARE, THE SEVEN CHURCH MESSAGES, AND THEIR PROPHETIC MEANING CHAPTER 2 _ 1. Ephesus: The post-apostolic period (Revelation 2:1)_ 2. Smyrna: The period of persecution (Revelati...
THE LETTER TO THE CHURCH AT PERGAMUM. Revelation 2:12. Pergamum was a town of great importance about 50 miles NE. of Smyrna. It was one of the most renowned centres of paganism in Asia, and possessed...
REVELATION 2:1 TO REVELATION 3:22. THE LETTERS TO THE SEVEN CHURCHES. These letters are addressed to individual churches, but their messages are intended for the Church as a whole. In every letter the...
THE LETTER TO EPHESUS (Revelation 2:1-7)...
And to the angel of the Church in Pergamum, write: These things says he who has the sharp two-edged sword. I know where your home is. I know that it is where the throne of Satan is; and yet you hold f...
PERGAMOS.. city of Mysia famous for the worship of Aesculapius, to whom the title of _soter_ (saviour) was given and whose emblem was the serpent. Identified with Apollo; compare Acts 16:16. Some trac...
The Church in Pergamos. 12 17 12. _he which hath the sharp sword_ Mentioned because He threatens to use it, Revelation 2:16....
_LETTER TO THE CHURCH IN PERGAMOS REVELATION 2:12-17:_ Pergamos was a noted Roman city. It was a center for culture and education. It had one of the great libraries of the ancient world. Jesus describ...
ΠΈΡΓΑΜΟΣ (G4010) Пергам. Название города, вероятно, означает "гора" так как он располагается на высоте около 4000 м между двумя притоками реки Каик. В 133 г. до н. э. Аттал III отдал город римлянам, к...
DISCOURSE: 2487 EPISTLE TO PERGAMOS Revelation 2:12. _To the angel of the Church in Pergamos write; These things saith he which hath the sharp sword with two edges; I know thy works_. IN a former epi...
TO THE ANGEL OF THE CHURCH IN PERGAMOS— Pergamos, formerly the metropolis of the Hellespontic Mysia, and the seat of the Attalick kings, is, by the Turks, with some little variation, still called _Ber...
Strauss-' Comments SECTION 6 Text Revelation 2:12-17 12 And to the angel of the church in Pergamum write: These things saith he that hath the sharp two-edged sword: 13 I know where thou dwellest, eve...
And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write; These things saith he which hath the sharp sword with two edges; Trench prefers Pergamus, or Pergamum: on the river Caicus. Capital of Attalus the...
__ The Prophetic Section 20 The vision is figurative. The explanation is literal. _ It must not be further "explained_ ". The seven stars are seven messengers. The seven lamp stands are seven eccles...
PERGAMOS] RV 'Pergamum,' about 50 m. N. of Smyrna. Under the Roman empire it was resorted to by invalids, who attended for healing at the temple of Æsculapius. Until the 2nd cent. a.d. it was regarded...
THE EPISTLES TO THE SEVEN CHURCHES (REVELATION 2:1 TO REVELATION 3:22) Since 'seven' is the perfect number, the 'seven churches' represent all the Churches of the province of Asia. At the same time, t...
PERGAMOS. — Unlike Ephesus and Smyrna, Pergamos was not distinguished as a commercial city. Its importance was due to other causes. A striking coneshaped hill rose from the plain which bordered the no...
CHAPTER II THE CHURCH ON THE FIELD OF HISTORY. Revelation 2:1; Revelation 3:1 To the angel of the church in Ephesus write; These things saith He that holdeth the seven stars in His right hand, He th...
The message to Pergamos, the Benares or Lourdes of the province....
The title is apt in view of Revelation 2:16....
BEWARE OF EVIL TEACHERS Revelation 2:12 Notice the Lord's commendation of the church at Pergamos (from which we get our word _parchment_). He recognizes their peculiar dangers and their difficulties-...
The next movement in the Book consists of the unveiling of the Lord in His relation with the Asian churches, and therefore with His Church. It is impossible in such brief notes as these necessarily ar...
TO THE COMPROMISING CHURCH Pergamos was the capital of the province of Asia. It was built on a large conical hill overlooking a broad fertile valley 30 miles north of Smyrna and 15 miles inland from t...
(11) And to the angel of the church in (d) Pergamos write; These things saith he which hath the sharp sword with two edges; (11) The third passage is to the pastors of Pergamos. The introduction is t...
To the Angel of the Church of Pergamus. -- This Church is exhorted to do penance, and reprehended, as the seat or throne of Satan. It is only said, that the bishop lives where this satanical seat is,...
(12) And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write; These things saith he which hath the sharp sword with two edges; (13) I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, even where Satan's seat is: and...
That God should have chosen John to be the instrument of communicating the closing volume of the New Testament is worthy of our consideration. It is not a new thing for God thus to set out the stronge...
_THE CHURCH IN PERGAMOS_ ‘And to the angel of the Church in Pergamos write.’ Revelation 2:12 The Church in Pergamos, with its constancy and self-devotion, and yet with the canker of grave moral and...
The Church in Pergamos I. INTRODUCTION A. 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. 14 And no wonder! For Satan himself...
The first great fact is, that the assembly in this world is subject to judgment, and to have its whole existence and place before God as light-bearer in the world set aside; secondly, that God will do...
AND TO THE ANGEL OF THE CHURCH IN PERGAMOS WRITE,.... Of the city of Pergamos, Revelation 1:11. In it was a church of Christ, but when it begun, and how long it lasted, is not certain. Antipas, who is...
And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write; These things saith he which hath the sharp sword with two edges; Ver. 12. _And to the angel_] _See Trapp on "_ Rev 2:1 _"_ _See Trapp on "_ Rev 1:16...
_And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write_ “Pergamos, formerly the metropolis of the Hellespontic Mysia, and the seat of the Attalic kings, is by the Turks, with some little variation, still c...
THE SHARP SWORD WITH TWO EDGES; see note to chap Revelation 1:16....
The letter to the congregation at Pergamos:...
THE ADDRESS TO EPHESUS (vv. 1-7) Each local assembly is addressed on the basis of its responsibility as a testimony for God. Each of these assemblies actually existed and were functioning as assembl...
PERGAMOS (VERSES 12-17) The City Pergamos was a city high in the mountains. It was located at 1,000 feet elevation. It was another city with a large population, around 200,000 and the world’s second...
12-17 The word of God is a sword, able to slay both sin and sinners. It turns and cuts every way; but the believer need not fear this sword; yet this confidence cannot be supported without steady obe...
PERGAMOS was a famous city of Troas; we read of Pergamos no where else in Scripture, but of Troas we read of Paul's being there, ACTS 16:8,11 ACTS 20:5,6, and preaching Christ there, 2 CORINTHIANS 2:1...
Tertullian An Answer to the Jews Who will ply the sword without practising the contraries to lenity and justice; that is, guile, and asperity, and injustice, proper (of course) to the business of bat...
Revelation 2:12 And G2532 angel G32 church G1577 in G1722 Pergamos G4010 write G1125 (G5657) things G3592 says...
THE LETTER TO THE CHURCH IN PERGAMUM (REVELATION 2:12). ‘And to the angel of the church in Pergamum write, These things says he who has the sharp two-edged sword.' Taken from Revelation 1:16 this des...
MESSAGES TO THE SEVEN CHURCHES (REVELATION 2:1 TO REVELATION 3:22). The Son of Man now gives John messages to the seven churches. Each of them follows a general pattern. Firstly an introduction based...
Revelation 2:12. The third church addressed is that of Pergamos, now generally written Pergamum, a city which, in every thing except commerce, rivalled the most celebrated cities of Asia at the time....
IN PERGAMUM (εν Περγαμω). In a north-easterly direction from Smyrna in the Caicus Valley, some fifty-five miles away, in Mysia, on a lofty hill, a great political and religious centre. Ramsay (_Op....
ANGEL (_ See Scofield) - (Hebrews 1:4). _...
CONTENTS: Message to Ephesus concerning things «which are.» Their first love left. Message to Pergamos concerning false doctrines. Message to Smyrna concerning persecutions. Message to Thyatira concer...
_Epistle the first._ Revelation 2:1. _The angel of the church of Ephesus,_ or the messenger of Christ; for the apostles, and apostolic men, while they remained in any church, were always regarded as t...
TO THE ANGEL OF THE CHURCH IN PERGAMUM. To the evangelist. See note on Revelation 1:20. SHARP TWO-EDGED SWORD. See Revelation 1:16....
REVELATION—NOTE ON REVELATION 2:12 Believers at _Pergamum_ remained faithful during persecution, but they allowed false teaching. Pergamum was an important center for pagan and imperial religion....
REVELATION—NOTE ON REVELATION 2:1 Revelation 2:1 consists of seven “letters” or royal edicts. Each follows a pattern: (1) The royal author describes himself in terms from ch....
3. PERGAMOS. Vs. 12-17. The church at Pergamos had "held fast my name and hast not denied my faith, even in those days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr who was slain among you." The deluge of fi...
_CRITICAL AND EXEGETICAL NOTES_ Revelation 2:12. SHARP SWORD.—Suggesting unusual severity of asserting, and unusual severity of dealing (see Revelation 1:16; also Ephesians 6:17). “On the one hand, it...
EXPOSITION REVELATION 3:1 _The epistles to the seven Churches. _Once more we have to consider rival interpretations. Of these we may safely set aside all those which make the seven letters to be pict...
3. PERGAMOS: THE CHURCH THAT COMMITTED ADULTERY WITH THE WORLD SYSTEM *Background: Pergamos was the great religious center of the area. ZEUS WAS SAID TO HAVE BEEN BORN THERE. The great altar of Ze...
Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write; These things saith he that holds the seven stars in his right hand, who walks in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks (Revelation 2:1); So the desc...
Hebrews 4:12; Isaiah 11:4; Revelation 1:11; Revelation 1:16;...
Pergamos. The proper form of the name is Pergamum. It was situated in Teuthrania in Mysia, in a district watered by three rivers, by one of which it communicated with the sea. The original city was bu...
THE CHURCHES AT PERGAMOS AND THYATIRA Revelation 2:12 INTRODUCTORY WORDS We wish, by way of introduction, to set before you the various seven statements which occur in the Letters to the seven Chur...
The sword — With which I will cut off the impenitent, Revelation 2:16....
In these verses is contained the third epistle, which St. John by direction had written and sent to the church of Pergamos, in which (as in the former) we have, 1. description of Christ, as having. s...