μετανόησον. So T. with אP 1, and Latt.; L. and Tr. add οὖν with AB2C. See n. on μνημ. οὖν, Revelation 2:5.

16. μετανόησον. The Angel, i.e. the whole body of the Church represented by him, is bidden to repent: because not only are the Nicolaitans guilty of the sins their doctrine involved, but the whole Church (and more especially its bishop, if we suppose him to be intended) is more or less guilty, for having extended to them the toleration which the Church of Ephesus was praised for refusing.

μετʼ αὐτῶν. “Against them,” not “against thee”: the mass of the Church is faithful on the whole. But it is implied that if the whole Church does “repent,” and do its duty, these erring members will be reclaimed: and that it will be a loss to the whole Church, if they are not reclaimed but have to be destroyed.

ἐν τῇ ῥομφαίᾳ τοῦ στόματός μου. Cf. Revelation 1:16 n.

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Old Testament