ἕν καθ ̓ ἓν αὐτῶν. With AP (B2 omits αὐτῶν); Text. Rec[165] ἓν καθ ̓ ἑαντό.

[165] Rec. Textus Receptus as printed by Scrivener.

ἔχων. With A1; Text. Rec[166] εἶχον with א Primas[167] Vg[168]; B2 reads ἔχον; P ἔχοντα.

[166] Rec. Textus Receptus as printed by Scrivener.
[167] Primasius, edited by Haussleiter.
[168] Vulgate.

γέμουσιν. Text. Rec[169] reads γέμοντα with 1.

[169] Rec. Textus Receptus as printed by Scrivener.

8. καὶ τὸ τέσσερα ζῷα.… Render, “And the four living creatures, having each of them six wings apiece, are full of eyes round about and within”; i. e. the statement of Revelation 4:6, that they are “full of eyes before and behind,” is extended to tell us that they are covered with eyes, not only on the parts ordinarily visible; but that when they spread their wings (and the Eagle at least was in the attitude of flight) it is seen that the inside of the wings, and the parts beneath, are full of eyes too.

ἀνάπαυσιν οὐκ ἔχουσιν. The order of words makes it doubtful whether ἡμέρας καὶ νυκτὸς should be connected with these words or with λέγοντες: but Revelation 14:11 (where the same words occur in a very different sense) proves that the former view is right. There is some resemblance between this place and Enoch xxxix. 11, where Isaiah 6:3 is referred to, much as here: it is hardly likely that St John had the passage from Enoch in his mind.

ἅγιος ἅγιος ἄγιος. Isaiah 6:3. It will be observed that “Almighty” represents the Heb. “[God] of Hosts”: see on Revelation 1:8.

ὁ ἦν καὶ ὁ ὤν κ.τ.λ. Cf. Revelation 1:4.

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