Psalms 69:22 f., Psalms 35:8 (θήρα). A terrible quotation: it implies that the Jews are to be reckoned among those enemies of GOD and persecutors of His suffering people on whom the Psalmist imprecates these curses, the sustenance of their lives is to become a snare and trap and retribution for them, their eyes are to be darkened and their strength broken. The justification of this use of the passage is that to the Psalmist also the persecutors were his own people. The punishment is inevitably found in the very privileges and faculties which they had misused. So the situation described is typical of the present situation = now, as then, the wrath of GOD works side by side with His grace.

θήρα = a net; cf. Psalms 35:8 only. ἀνταπόδομα, cf. Luke 14:12 (only in N.T.).

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Old Testament