Cambridge Greek Testament Commentary
Romans 12:11-14
The urgency of the times calls for the new character in man.
The urgency of the times calls for the new character in man.
ROMANS 12:11 kuri,w| {A} The reading kairw|/, supported chiefly by Western witnesses (D* F G 5 itd*, g Origenlat Cyprian Ambrosiaster Jerome _al_), probably arose from a confusion of k=w= and krw (th...
Verse Romans 12:11. _NOT SLOTHFUL IN BUSINESS_] That God, who _forbade_ working on the _seventh_ day, has, by the same authority, _enjoined_ it on the other _six days_. He who neglects to labour durin...
NOT SLOTHFUL - The word rendered “slothful” refers to those who are slow, idle, destitute of promptness of mind and activity; compare Matthew 25:16. IN BUSINESS - τῇ σπουδῇ tē spoudē. This is th...
III. EXHORTATIONS AND THE CONCLUSION. Chapter s 12-16. CHAPTER 12 _ 1. The Body as a Willing Sacrifice. (Romans 12:1 .)_ 2. Service. (Romans 12:3 .) 3. The Daily Walk in Holiness. (Romans 12:9 .)...
IN THE CHRISTIAN TEMPER, _modesty_ is the first desideratum. Romans 12:3. I tell everyone that is among you not _to_ be high-minded above a right mind, but to be of a mind to be sober-minded (Sp.). Th...
Your love must be completely sincere. Hate that which is evil and cling to that which is good. Be affectionate to one another in brotherly love. Give to each other priority in honour. Do not be sluggi...
SLOTHFUL. Greek. _okneros._ Only here; Matthew 25:26; Philippians 1:3; Philippians 1:1. BUSINESS. Greek. _spoude_, as "diligence" in...
_not slothful in business_ Better, IN POINT OF EARNEST DILIGENCE, NOT SLOTHFUL. The precept _includes_an exhortation to thoroughness in earthly duty, but much more besides. _fervent in spirit_ Better,...
ΟΚΝΗΡΌΣ (G3636) праздный, ленивый, проблемный, не соответствующий требованиям (Murray). Иосиф Флавий использует это слово, описывая военные атаки, которые не принесли успеха, потому что воины были сли...
DISCOURSE: 1908 CHRISTIAN DUTIES TO GOD AND MAN EXPLAINED Romans 12:9. _Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good. Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour pre...
SERVING THE LORD— Some copies read καιρω, instead of κυριω, _serving the time;_ that is, husbanding your opportunities: but though admitted by Dr. Mills, it appears an unnatural and inelegant expressi...
_TEXT_ Romans 12:3-16. For I say, through the grace that was given me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but so to think as to think soberly,...
Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord; (BE) NOT SLOTHFUL IN BUSINESS, [ tee (G3588) spoudee (G4710)]. The word here rendered "business" means 'zeal,' 'diligence,' 'purpose;...
__ Conciliation-National 22 Nothing shows the blindness of Christendom more than their severe denunciation of faithless Israel, yet they are following precisely the same course and have not the slig...
12:11 spirit (b-8) Or 'by the Spirit.' See Note at ch. 8.9. serving (c-10) The word means 'to serve as a bondman' _ douleuo_ . It is different from the words used for service in ver. 1 (which is from...
RV 'In diligence not slothful'; 'diligence' =zeal, moral earnestness, not merely in temporal affairs....
PARAPHRASE. '(1) God's redeeming love should be answered by the true sacrifice and spiritual ritual service of a life of purity and self-denial and work for God. (2) Do not follow the fashions and cus...
PAUL’S LETTER TO THE *ROMANS ROMANS _HILDA BRIGHT AND KEITH SIMONS_ CHAPTER 12 TRUE *WORSHIP 12:1-2 V1 *Brothers and *sisters, God has shown you his kindness. Therefore I am appealing to you. Of...
(9-21) Now follow to the end of the chapter a number of general exhortations, not addressed to particular persons or classes, but to the Church at large....
IN BUSINESS. — Rather, _in zeal;_ the reference is to the spiritual and not to the practical life, as the English reader might suppose. FERVENT. — In the literal and etymological sense _boiling_ or _...
CHAPTER 26 CHRISTIAN DUTY: DETAILS OF PERSONAL CONDUCT Romans 12:8 ST. PAUL has set before us the life of surrender, of the "giving over" of faculty to God, in one great preliminary aspect. The fair...
As far as any single idea pervades the rest of the chapter it is that of the first words in Romans 12:9 : ἡ ἀγάπη ἀνυπόκριτος. The passage as a whole has a strong affinity to 1 Corinthians 13, and alo...
τῇ σπουδῇ μὴ ὀκνηροί : σπουδὴ occurs twelve times in the N.T., and is translated in our A.V. seven different ways. It denotes the moral earnestness with which one should give himself to his vocation....
LIVING AS A CHRISTIAN Romans 12:9 In this section the Apostle shows how the great principle of consecration must affect the details of conduct. It is most necessary to insist on these practical issue...
The word "therefore" links all that is now to be said with everything that has gone before. Because of the grace of God, the believer is called to certain attitudes and actions. The very first of thes...
Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; (r) serving the Lord; (r) This verse is well put, for it makes a distinction between Christian duties, and philosophical duties....
“ _As to zeal, being not indolent; fervent in spirit; taking advantage of opportunity._ ” With respectful consideration, Romans 12:10, there is easily connected the disposition to render service, whi...
TWENTY-FIFTH PASSAGE (12:3-21). THE LIFE OF THE BELIEVER AS A MEMBER OF THE CHURCH. The notion of consecration is still the prevailing one in this passage. This consecration is realized in life: 1st,...
The χαρίσματα, _gifts_, are different, as we have just seen. But there is a gift which is at the root of all the rest, and which ought to be common to all believers, that of all those who have no othe...
Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, whether prophecy, let us prophesy according to the proportion of faith; (7) Or ministry, let us wait on our ministering: or he t...
The circumstances under which the epistle to the Romans was written gave occasion to the most thorough and comprehensive unfolding, not of the church, but of Christianity. No apostle had ever yet visi...
_ENTHUSIASM_ ‘Fervent in spirit.’ Romans 12:11 Without the intense fire of God burning in enthusiastic hearts, the moral, the spiritual world, yes, the whole world of man, would sink into a univers...
11._Not slothful in business, etc. _This precept is given to us, not only because a Christian life ought to be an active life; but because it often becomes us to overlook our own benefit, and to spend...
The apostle resumes the thread of his instructions, by taking up as he does in all his epistles the moral consequences of his doctrine. He places the believer at the outset on the ground of God's merc...
NOT SLOTHFUL IN BUSINESS,.... Meaning not worldly business, or the affairs of life; though slothfulness in this respect is scandalous to human nature, and especially in persons under a profession of r...
Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord; Ver. 11. _Not slothful_] Or, not driving off till it be too late (ακνηρος, _cunctator_ the delayer). Charles, the son of Charles Duke of...
Having spoken of faith and its fruits, Romans 12:3, he comes now to speak of love. _Let love be without dissimulation_ Not in pretence, but in reality; not _in word and tongue only_, but in deed and i...
IN BUSINESS; or in diligence, as the same word is rendered in verse Romans 12:8. The meaning is, that in the exercise of a diligent and earnest spirit we should not be remiss. SERVING THE LORD; by act...
The Christian's conduct in his personal relations:...
PRACTICAL RESPONSE IN BELIEVERS Now Paul has completed his treatment of the subject of God's counsel in reference to salvation - counsel accomplished by a hand of mercy. What then is to be the proper...
Love (agape) should be Without dissimulation - hypocrisy, no pretense, not false love Abhor evil - (pornos) bad, malicious, wicked, badness in quality or character Cleave to that which is good - be...
__ Romans 12:11 in diligence not slothful; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord; 'diligence' -'not lagging behind in diligence' (NASV). The KJV has 'business', but Paul isn't talking primarily about o...
9-16 The professed love of Christians to each other should be sincere, free from deceit, and unmeaning and deceitful compliments. Depending on Divine grace, they must detest and dread all evil, and l...
NOT SLOTHFUL IN BUSINESS; this clause may be expounded by ECCLESIASTES 9:10: q.d. In all the duties of thy particular and general calling, in every thing that respects the glory of God, thine own or n...
in diligence not slothful; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord [These three commands refer more especially to the outward life of the Christian. In all matters of employment, whether religious or secu...
Shepherd of Hermas Similitude Fourth And refrain from much business, and you will never sin: for they who are occupied with much business commit also many sins, being distracted about their affairs,...
Romans 12:11 not G3361 lagging G3636 diligence G4710 fervent G2204 (G5723) spirit G4151 serving G1398 (G5723) Lord
1). CHRISTIAN LIVING (12:1-13:14). In this passage Paul calls on God's people so to present their bodies as a living offering to God, through their having died with Christ and risen with Him (Romans 6...
A CALL TO MAKE REAL IN THE CHURCH AND IN THE WORLD THE RIGHTEOUSNESS WHICH THEY HAVE RECEIVED (12:1-15:33). This section moves from the indicative to the imperative. Having outlined the ways of God i...
A CALL TO FULFIL THE LAW OF CHRIST AND OF THE SCRIPTURES. THE WORKING OUT OF LOVE (12:9-21). Having dealt with what was necessary for the edifying and upbuilding of the body of Christ, Paul now turns...
LOVE EXPRESSING ITSELF IN THE FAMILY OF BELIEVERS (12:10-13). While the injunctions that follow in Romans 12:10 are not necessarily to be limited to benefiting the family, it is clear that love for ou...
‘In diligence not slothful (in zeal not flagging), fervent in spirit, serving the Lord.' It is necessarily the church which will benefit most by the zeal of God's people in serving the LORD, for their...
2. _Exhortation for all Christians_, _in their Personal Relations_, _from Love of the Brethren to returning Good for Evil._ All the precepts of this section are based upon Christian love (Romans 12:9)...
Romans 12:11. IN DILIGENCE, NOT SLOTHFUL. We restore the emphatic order throughout ‘In diligence' (the same word as in Romans 12:8), not, ‘in business,' but with respect to zeal;' in whatever Christia...
SLOTHFUL (οκνηρο). Old adjective from οκνεω, to hesitate, to be slow. Slow and "poky" as in Matthew 25:26....
Romans 12:11 The Results of Slothfulness. I. We frequently meet people who, on extraordinary occasions, or stimulated by some special inspiration, will exert much diligence and take great pains to pr...
Romans 12:1. _I beseech you therefore, brethren,_ Paul is a calm reasoner. He is a bold starer of truth, but here he comes to pleading with us. I think that I see him lift the pen from the paper and...
CONTENTS: Christian life and service. Consecration to Christ. CHARACTERS: God, Christ, Paul. CONCLUSION: Since we have been justified through grace, by faith in Christ, it is our first duty to surren...
Romans 12:1. _I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God._ Under the form of entreaty he now tenderly exhorts them, in return for all the glory of redeeming love, to present their bodies...
WORK HARD. A Christian may "burn out," but never "rust out!" SERVE THE LORD. The "spiritual temperature" is to be _high_ in the messianic community!!!...
_Not slothful in business._ I. We have all business to do. I. In our particular calling and station in the world (1 Thessalonians 4:11). 2. In our general calling (Philippians 2:12). (1) Repentance...
ROMANS—NOTE ON ROMANS 12:1 God’s Righteousness in Everyday Life. The gift of God’s saving righteousness leads to a new life. Paul explains some practical results of God’s saving mercy....
_CRITICAL NOTES_ Romans 12:11.—In your haste be not idle, in your business be not lazy. As to your zeal, being not indolent; fervent in spirit, taking advantage of opportunity. The Syriac, Arabic, and...
EXPOSITION VER. 1–CH. 14:23 III. HORTATORY. It is St. Paul's way to supplement his doctrinal treatises with detailed practical directions as to the conduct that should of necessity ensue on belief in...
I beseech you therefore, brethren (Romans 12:1), Because God has grafted you in, because you are partaking of the fullness of that good tree. I beseech thee, because of these things, that ye present...
1 Corinthians 7:22; 1 Peter 1:22; 1 Peter 4:8; 1 Thessalonians 4:11;...
Slothful [ο κ ν η ρ ο ι]. From ojknew to delay. In business [τ η σ π ο υ δ η]. Wrong. Render, as Rev., in diligence; see on ver. 8. Luther, "in regard to zeal be not lazy." Fervent [ζ ε ο ν τ ε ς]....
GOD'S CALL TO CONSECRATION Romans 12:1 INTRODUCTORY WORDS Permit me to enlarge upon the expression, "THEREFORE." Our chapter opens thus: "I beseech you THEREFORE, brethren, by the mercies of God....
Whatsoever ye do, do it with your might. In every business diligently and fervently serving the Lord — Doing all to God, not to man....
The next duty exhorted to, is diligence and industry in all our duties both to God and man, but particularly in the duties of our calling. We must avoid the two extremes of slothfulness on the one han...