οὐ μόνον δέ, ἀλλὰ returns to Romans 5:3. This return, after so long a break, is made easier by the parallelisms pointed out above, καυχώμενοι, part. for indic.; cf. Moulton, p. 224.

ἐν τῷ θεῷ. The essentially personal character of the whole relation is emphasised: our boast is not in a transaction or a state, but in GOD Himself and by the help of our Lord Jesus Christ—so summing up the whole argument. GOD loved, justified through Christ, gave the Spirit, will finish what He has begun.

N. This passage then marks the transition from the antithesis between πίστις and νόμος, as ground of justification, to the antithesis of χάρις and νόμος, as ground of the saving of man’s life; the faith in GOD, which accepts His justification, must lead us on to trust His good will and power to perfect the new life, which is the life of Christ in us. This is the supreme instance of His χάρις, His free favour to man. The range and manner in which this χάρις works are developed in the following sections.

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Old Testament