καὶ οὐχ—τὸ δώρημα. Still more condensed. δώρημα is the concrete effect or result of χάρις and δωρεά.

δι' ἑνὸς ἁμαρτήσαντος, through one man and his sin (death came into the world); the gift came after many sins.

The v. l. ἁμαρτήματος is a true gloss: the absence of the article makes the phrase = through one man’s sin: the participial form of the phrase emphasises the responsibility of the act.

τὸ μὲν γὰρ κ.τ.λ. This is explained and must be interpreted by the second γὰρ clause, Romans 5:17.

κρίμα. GOD’s decision upon the act of sin led to the imposition of a penalty. ἐξ ἑνὸς. Neuter.

κατάκριμα. See Deissmann, B. S. II. p. 92. A very rare word. Papyri seem to show that it = a burden imposed upon an estate in consequence of a legal judgment: so a judicial penalty of any kind: ‘poena condemnationem sequens.’

χάρισμα. The gift which GOD gives, after many sins, leads to acquittal.

δικαίωμα Here = acquittal,)[137] κατάκριμα: justification is a sentence of acquittal, though on condition of faith.

[137])(opposed to

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