Cambridge Greek Testament Commentary
Romans 5:7-8
7, 8 emphasise the uniqueness of this act of love. This parenthesis makes an anacoluthon, a constant mark in S. Paul of deep feeling.
7, 8 emphasise the uniqueness of this act of love. This parenthesis makes an anacoluthon, a constant mark in S. Paul of deep feeling.
Verse Romans 5:7. _FOR SCARCELY FOR A RIGHTEOUS MAN WILL ONE DIE_] The Jews divide men, as to their moral character, into _four_ classes: 1. First class, Those who say, "what is _mine_, is _my own_;...
FOR SCARCELY ... - The design of this verse and the following is, to illustrate the great love of God by comparing it with what man was willing to do. “It is an unusual occurrence, an event which is a...
CHAPTER 5:1-11 1. What Justification Includes. 1-11. The blessed results of justification are next revealed. What justified believers possess and what they may enjoy is the theme of the opening verse...
LOVE AND RECONCILIATION. Romans 5:6. The helplessness and ill-desert of the objects, and the timeliness of the intervention, go to commend God's love to us, shown in the death of Christ on our behalf...
AT HOME WITH GOD (Romans 5:1-5)...
While we were still helpless, in God's good time, Christ died for the ungodly. A man will hardly die for a just man. It may be that a man would even dare to die for the good cause. But God proves his...
SCARCELY. Greek. _molis_. See Acts 14:18. RIGHTEOUS. App-191. ONE. App-123. YET. for. PERADVENTURE. Greek. _tacha._ Only here and Philemon 1:15. SOME. one. See above. DARE. venture....
_For_, &c. The connexion is somewhat thus: "He died for the godless: a proof of unequalled love; for hardly will you find any one die for a just, a good, man; you may find such a case, but it will be...
ΜΌΛΙΣ (G3433) с трудом, едва, вряд ли. ΎΠΈΡ ΔΙΚΑΊΟΥ (G5228; G1342) за праведного (человека). По поводу структуры этого стиха _см._ Frederik Wisse, "The Righteous Man and the Good Man in Romans 5:7" NT...
DISCOURSE: 1841 THE BELIEVER’S SECURITY IN CHRIST Romans 5:6. For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradve...
FOR SCARCELY FOR A RIGHTEOUS MAN, &C.— _Now scarcely,_ &c. for γαρ cannot have the forceof an illative particle here. He may in common speech be called _a just_ or _righteous man,_ who gives to every...
_TEXT_ Romans 5:1-11. Being therefore justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ; Romans 5:2 through whom also we have had our access by faith into this grace wherein we...
For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die. FOR SCARCELY FOR A RIGHTEOUS MAN, [ huper (G5228 ) dikaiou (G1342 )] will one die: yet pe...
_JUSTIFICATION-INDIVIDUAL_ 13 As further developed in Galatians, the law was not given till hundreds of years after Abraham was counted righteous. The promises he received in connection with it were...
GOD'S SALVATION AND THE RESULTS OF ITS ACCEPTANCE St. Paul completes his exposition of acceptance by faith by pointing to its blessed effects (Romans 5:1). In the following vv. he compares sin and acc...
RIGHTEOUS] i.e. just, contrasted with the more lovable 'good man.'...
(7-8) What makes the sacrifice of Christ so paradoxical is that it was undergone for _sinners._ Even for a righteous man it is rare enough to find another who will be ready to lay down his life. Yet s...
YET PERADVENTURE. — The true reading is, undoubtedly, _for peradventure._ FOR A GOOD MAN. — Literally, _for the good_ (_man_)_, i.e.,_ for the good man in question, the righteous man mentioned above....
(6-11) Exposition showing how the love of God comes to have this cogency. That love was evidenced in the death of Christ. And consider what that death was. It is rare enough for one man to die for ano...
V. (1-11) A description of the serene and blissful state which the sense of justification brings. Faith brings justification; justification brings (let us see that it _does_ bring) peace — peace with...
CHAPTER 12 PEACE, LOVE, AND JOY FOR THE JUSTIFIED Romans 5:1 WE reached a pause in the Apostle's thought with the close of the last paragraph. We may reverently imagine, as in spirit we listen to hi...
Christ's death for the ungodly assures us of God's love; for the utmost that human love will do is far less. ὑπὲρ δικαίου : for a righteous man. Some make both δικαίου and τοῦ ἀγαθοῦ neuter: some who...
The blessings of Justification. The first section of the epistle (chap. Romans 1:18 to Romans 3:20) has proved man's need of the righteousness of God; the second (chap. Romans 3:21-30) has shown how t...
GREAT BLESSINGS THROUGH CHRIST Romans 5:1 We stand in grace; we look for glory. Our standing is sure, although apart from our feelings or deserts. It is ours forever, through union with the living Ch...
The apostle now dealt with the values of justification. The value to the individual is a threefold blessing. This nature as to cause the heart to rejoice. The apostle now showed the difference between...
(8) For scarcely (g) for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die. (8) An amplifying of the love of God towards us, so that we cannot doubt it, who de...
“ _For when we were yet weak in due time Christ died for the ungodly. For hardly for a righteous man will one die:for peradventure for goodness some would even dare to die. But God establisheth His ow...
ELEVENTH PASSAGE (5:1-11). THE CERTAINTY OF FINAL SALVATION FOR BELIEVERS. The title which we have just given to this piece suffices to indicate the difference between the idea which we form of its sc...
For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. (7) For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die. (8) But...
The circumstances under which the epistle to the Romans was written gave occasion to the most thorough and comprehensive unfolding, not of the church, but of Christianity. No apostle had ever yet visi...
7._For a just man_, _etc. _The meaning of the passage has constrained me to render the particle γὰρ as an affirmative or declarative rather than as a causative. The import of the sentence is this, “Mo...
Thus, being justified by faith, we have peace with God. Remark here also the difference of Abraham's faith and ours. He believed God could perform what He promised. We are called to believe He has per...
FOR SCARCELY FOR A RIGHTEOUS MAN WILL ONE DIE,.... The design of this, and the following verse, is to show that Christ's dying for ungodly persons is an instance of kindness that is matchless and unpa...
For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die. Ver. 7. _Yet peradventure for a good man_] For a public person. Lilloe stepped between the...
_For_ How can we now doubt of God's love, since _when we were without strength_ Either to think, will, or do any thing good; were utterly incapable of making any atonement for our transgressions, or o...
A RIGHTEOUS MAN; just, upright, and honest. A GOOD MAN; not only just, but kind, compassionate, and governed by love to God and men....
The basis of the Christian's hope:...
BLESSINGS ATTENDING JUSTIFICATION Now as to the _means_ and _assurance_ of present justification, every question has been answered, every doubt fully banished by simple, straightforward truth. Thus ev...
ROMANS 5:1-11 What saves us? Verse What saves? Other things Scripture 1 Faith Repentance Acts 17:30 2 Grace of God Confession Romans 10:9-10 5 Love of God Baptism...
FOR SCARCELY FOR. RIGHTEOUS MAN WILL ONE DIE: FOR PERADVENTURE FOR THE GOOD MAN SOME ONE WOULD EVEN DARE TO DIE. 'For' -and how apparent was the love of this action on His part? 'Christ's death for...
6-11 Christ died for sinners; not only such as were useless, but such as were guilty and hateful; such that their everlasting destruction would be to the glory of God's justice. Christ died to save u...
He amplifies the love of Christ in dying for the ungodly, and shows that it is unparalleled and without example. By A GOOD MAN you must understand one that is very kind and bountiful, or one that is v...
For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: for peradventure for the good man some one would even dare to die....
Origen Against Celsus Book IV and although "scarcely for a righteous man will one die, yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die."[113]...
Romans 5:7 For G1063 scarcely G3433 for G5228 man G1342 will G599 one G5100 die G599 (G5695) yet...
‘For scarcely for a righteous man will one die. For peradventure for the good man some one would even dare to die.' And lest it be thought that he is overstressing this description of men as ‘ungodly'...
SALVATION TO THE UTTERMOST (5:1-8:39). The depths of our sin having been revealed in Romans 1:17 to Romans 3:23, and Jesus Christ's activity, (His activity in bringing about our salvation through the...
THE DIRECT CONSEQUENCE OF OUR BEING ACCOUNTED AS RIGHTEOUS THROUGH FAITH (5:1-11). Paul now outlines some of the consequences of our being ‘accounted as righteous' through faith. These he represents...
WE ARE ASSURED OF REIGNING IN LIFE AND ENJOYING FUTURE GLORY AND THE BASIS OF THIS IS WHAT CHRIST HAS ACCOMPLISHED FOR US (5:1-21). Having been reckoned as righteous through faith we have peace with G...
1. THE BLESSED INWARD CONDITION OF THE JUSTIFIED. Justification has as its proper result peace with God (Romans 5:1), which becomes hope of the glory of God (Romans 5:2), is actually increased by trib...
Romans 5:7. FOR. This death of Christ for the ungodly shows the greatness of God's love (comp. Romans 5:8), since among men it is true that SCARCELY FOR A RIGHTEOUS MAN, still less for the ‘ungodly,'...
3. THE GOSPEL THE POWER OF GOD UNTO SALVATION. In this _third division_ of the doctrinal part of the Epistle, the Apostle presents the gospel as ‘the power of God unto salvation,' setting forth how G...
SCARCELY (μολις). Common adverb from μολος, toil. See on Acts 14:18. As between δικαιος, righteous, and αγαθος, good, Lightfoot notes "all the difference in the world" which he shows by quotations...
RIGHTEOUS See ( Rom_1:19). (_ See Scofield) - (Romans 10:10). _...
Romans 5:1 Immediate Results of Justification. To be acquitted of guilt through the death of Jesus is the most elementary blessing which the gospel brings to our condemned race, shut up in its prison...
Romans 5:7 God's Love Magnified in Christ's Death. I. In considering how God appointed our Lord and Saviour to suffering and death as the most perfect proof of obedience, it seems necessary to begin...
Romans 5:1. _Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:_ Do not let us simply read these words, but let us each one say in our hearts, «That is true; I...
Romans 5:1. _Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:_ We have it tonight. We enjoy it. We delight in it, «through our Lord Jesus Christ.» Romans 5:2...
Romans 5:1. _Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: by whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the...
Romans 5:1. _Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:_ The gospel is full of «therefores», it is above reason, but it is never against reason; it is t...
Romans 5:1. _Therefore being justified by faith,_ But why «therefore»? Because of the verge preceding it: «Who was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification.» Christ died...
Romans 5:1. _Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with, God_ It is a matter of present possession, and present enjoyment. Whatever tribulation there may be in the world, «we have peace w...
Romans 5:1. _Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:_ This verse deserves to be printed in letters of gold. If you can truthfully say this, if it is...
Romans 5:1. _Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:_ These are matters of fact; not of fanatical delusion, but of logical conclusion, for Paul begin...
5:6. _For then we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly._ What a wonderful sentence that is! Not, «Christ died for the saints, «not, «Christ died for righteous men;» but,...
Romans 5:6. _For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly._ This is one of the most surprising sentences on record. If it had not been inspired, there are many who w...
CONTENTS: The results of justification. Life and righteousness through Jesus Christ. CHARACTERS: God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Adam, Moses. CONCLUSION: Justification through faith in Jesus Christ takes a...
Romans 5:1. _Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God._ Faith in the atonement removes the guilt of sin, and makes us heirs of all the promised righteousness of God; the prodigals ar...
IT IS A DIFFICULT THING. While we may see a rare example of love in which someone gives up their life to save a good person's life, it is most unusual. This fact categorizes [defines] the amazing love...
ROMANS—NOTE ON ROMANS 5:1 Hope as a Result of Righteousness by Faith. Believers in Christ, who are righteous in God’s sight, have a sure hope of future glory and life eternal....
_CRITICAL NOTES_ Romans 5:7. RIGHTEOUS AND GOOD.—That is, the one righteous; the other good, merciful, benevolent. Romans 5:8.—Christ’s death a vicarious death, but not necessarily expressed by the...
EXPOSITION ROMANS 5:1 (6) The _results of the revelation of the righteousness of God, as affecting_ (A) the consciousness and hopes of believers; (B) the position of mankind before God. ROMANS 5:...
Shall we turn now in our Bibles to the fifth chapter of Romans. Since chapter 3 Paul has been talking about justification by faith. How that God has declared me innocent because of my faith in Jesus C...
1 John 3:16; 2 Samuel 18:27; 2 Samuel 18:3; 2 Samuel 23:14; Acts 1
Righteous - good [δ ι κ α ι ο υ - α γ α θ ο υ]. The distinction is : dikaiov is simply right or just; doing all that law or justice requires; ajgaqov is benevolent, kind, generous. The righteous man d...
THE FAR-REACHING RICHES OF GRACE Romans 5:1 INTRODUCTORY WORDS The Book of Romans leads us into the deepest mysteries of God and of grace. As we begin its study we feel that we are entering into ov...
THE GREAT SALVATION Romans 5:1 INTRODUCTORY WORDS 1. God's story of sin. The fifth chapter of Romans is God's great climactic of the theme of redemption. Earlier Chapter s of the Book of Romans set...
A just man — One who gives to all what is strictly their due The good man — One who is eminently holy; full of love, of compassion, kindness, mildness, of every heavenly and amiable temper. Perhaps —...
Here the apostle amplifies, extols, and magnifies the love of Christ in dying for us, when we were enemies to him; by comparing his love to us, with our love to one another: He intimates to us, that a...