πολλῷ οὖν μᾶλλον. A fortiori. The hope of progress and perfection (Romans 5:2) which depends on the love of GOD is justified a fortiori by our experience of that love in the act of justification.

σωθησόμεθα δι' αὐ. ἀπὸ τῆς ὀργῆς. The description, on the negative side, of the σωτηρία which is the result of the power of the Gospel (Romans 1:16). The ὀργῆς (cf. Romans 1:18 f.) consists now in a state of sin and hereafter in the consequences] of that state being persevered in. Note that justification does not remove the conflict with evil; it reveals GOD’S attitude of love to us and in us, and consequently enables us to engage in that conflict with hope.

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Old Testament