ὄτι because, explains πάντα συνεργεῖ, the whole long process of GOD’S good will to man, a will which is act.

οὔς. The consideration is confined, here, to Christians = τοῖς�. τ. θ. as His children. The aorists throughout refer to the definite acts of GOD which have come within their experience.

προέγνω. ἔγνων in the Bible, when used with a personal object, implies not mere knowledge, but recognition of the object as in personal relation to the subject; the first act, if we may say so, of GOD’S mind towards man, which then develops in acts of will. Jeremiah 1:5; cf. Isaiah 49:1; Isaiah 49:3; Isaiah 49:5; Exodus 33:12; Exodus 33:17. So here, Romans 11:2; 1 Peter 1:2; 1 Peter 1:20 (see Hort) = recognition, previous designation to a position or function. Here = the recognition of them as children, a recognition formed in the eternal counsels of GOD; cf. Matthew 7:23; 1 Corinthians 8:3; Galatians 4:9; 1 Corinthians 13:12.

προώρισεν. Cf. 1 Corinthians 2:7; Ephesians 1:5; Ephesians 1:11; in all these passages refers to that character which GOD meant men to have by being brought into union with Him through Christ. So here, of GOD’S provision of a certain relation or character which should be, therefore, men’s true character, and should be gained by conformity to the character of Christ. The thought is not of determining something which in consequence could not be otherwise, but of drawing the lines of a true destiny, which still required further conditions for fulfilment; cf. Philippians 2:12-13, and note on Romans 1:4.

συμμόρφους κ.τ.λ. = to share in the character which is exhibited in His Son, as Incarnate. συμμ., cf. 2 Corinthians 3:18; Philippians 3:10, where the character is described as in process of development; and so perhaps Galatians 4:19. In Philippians 3:21 the reference is to the consummation of the process. εἰκών, cf. 1 Corinthians 15:49; 2 Cor. l.c[169], ct[170] supra Romans 1:23. The reference is to the true human character seen in Jesus, the Incarnate Son: man is meant to make that character his own under his present conditions by gradual growth, for complete achievement in the end. τοῦ υἱοῦ because it follows upon the relation of children. Consequently the likeness is also a likeness of GOD; of. Colossians 3:10; Wis 2:23, and there is an underlying reference to Genesis 1:26.

[169] l.c. locus citatus

[170] ct. contrast

εἰς τὸ εἶναι α. That He, as firstborn, might have many brethren. GOD’S purpose is to people His household with children, brothers of the Son.

πρωτότοκον. Cf. Luke 2:7; Colossians 1:15; Colossians 1:18; Hebrews 1:6; Revelation 1:5; for a kindred idea cf. Hebrews 2:10. On the word cf. Lft on Col. l.c[171] The question whether πρ. is used in reference to the eternal nature of the Son, or to His resurrection, does not arise here; as the stress is on ἐν π. ἀδ., not on πρ. The word, however, is an important link with Col.

[171] l.c. locus citatus

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