Titus 2:1

ΣῪ ΔῈ ΛΆΛΕΙ. _But do thou_, in contrast with the ματαιολόγοι (as at 1 Timothy 6:11; 2 Timothy 3:10; 2 Timothy 4:5), _speak_, i.e. speak out boldly and plainly. Ἃ ΠΡΈΠΕΙ ΤΗ͂Ι ὙΓΙΑΙΝΟΎΣΗΙ ΔΙΔΑΣΚΑΛἸΑΙ, _which befit_ (cp. 1 Timothy 2:10) _the sound doctrine_, sc. in contrast with the μῦθοι and ἐντολαὶ�... [ Continue Reading ]

Titus 2:2

ΠΡΕΣΒΎΤΑΣ. The word πρεσβύτης is common in the LXX. (see note on 1 Timothy 5:1 and cp. the parallel use there of πρεσβύτερος), but only occurs again in the N.T. at Luke 1:18 and Philemon 1:9 (in which last place it is probably for πρεσβευτής, ‘an ambassador’). It simply means _an old man_, and is no... [ Continue Reading ]

Titus 2:3

ἸΕΡΟΠΡΕΠΕΙ͂Σ. So the rec. text with the great majority of uncials (and the margin of the Harclean version); CH** 17, the Syriac, Latin, and Bohairic versions support ἰεροπρεπεῖ, and take it as qualifying καταστήματι. ΜῊ ΟἼΝΩΙ. This is the reading of the rec. text (adopted by Tischendorf and Lachman... [ Continue Reading ]

Titus 2:4

ΣΩΦΡΟΝΊΖΟΥΣΙΝ. This is the reading adopted by Tischendorf and Tregelles, and it is supported by the strong combination א*AGHP. We have printed it in the text, in accordance with the rules laid down for the direction of editors of the _Cambridge Greek Testament_ (p. v.). But that ἵνα should be follow... [ Continue Reading ]

Titus 2:5

ΟἸΚΟΥΡΓΟΎΣ. So the best MSS., א*ACD2*EG, seem to require us to print; also Clement (§ 1), in a passage which recalls this verse, has τὰ κατὰ τὸν οἶκον σεμνῶς οἰκουργεῖν ἐδιδάσκετε. Of the word οἰκουργός only one other instance has been produced, and that from Soranus, a medical writer of the second... [ Continue Reading ]

Titus 2:6

ΤΟῪΣ ΝΕΩΤΈΡΟΥΣ ὩΣΑΎΤΩΣ ΠΑΡΑΚΆΛΕΙ ΣΩΦΡΟΝΕΙ͂Ν, _the younger men likewise exhort to be sober-minded_. It will be observed that Titus is not directed, as Timothy was (1 Timothy 5:1, where see the note), to exhort the νεώτεροι as ἀδελφοί, probably because he was himself a man in middle life. See on 1 Tim... [ Continue Reading ]

Titus 2:7

ἘΝ ΤΗ͂Ι ΔΙΔΑΣΚΑΛΊΑ�. This is undoubtedly the true reading and is found in א*ACD2*E*KLP; G has ἀφθονίαν. The rec. text has ἀδιαφθορίαν with אcD2cE**L and cursives. After σεμνότητα the rec. text adds ἀφθαρσίαν, with D2cE**KL and about 30 cursives; instead of which C and a few other authorities have ἁ... [ Continue Reading ]

Titus 2:8

ΛΈΓΕΙΝ ΠΕΡῚ ἩΜΩ͂Ν ΦΑΥ͂ΛΟΝ. The rec. text has ὑμῶν for ἡμῶν (with A and the Bohairic version), and also places λέγειν directly before φαῦλον (with KL and a considerable number of authorities). But the mass of uncial evidence is overwhelmingly in favour of the text as printed. 8. ΛΌΓΟΝ ὙΓΙΗ͂�, _sound... [ Continue Reading ]

Titus 2:9

ἸΔΊΟΙΣ ΔΕΣΠΌΤΑΙΣ. This is the order of the rec. text, as well as of recent editors; it is supported by אCGkL, Chrysostom, Theodoret &c. The order δεσπόταις ἰδίοις is found in AD2EP and the Latin authorities (versions and Fathers). 9. ΔΟΎΛΟΥΣ ἸΔΊΟΙΣ ΔΕΣΠΌΤΑΙΣ ὙΠΟΤΆΣΣΕΣΘΑΙ. Exhort (going back to παρα... [ Continue Reading ]

Titus 2:10

ΜῊ ΝΟΣΦΙΖΟΜΈΝΟΥΣ. WH give μηδέ a place in their margin, on the authority of CbD2*G 17; אAC*D2cEKLP &c. have μή. ΠΑ͂ΣΑΝ ΠΊΣΤΙΝ. There is some confusion about the order. The reading of the text has the weight of uncial authority, viz. אcACD2EP and d e, on its side; and it is in favour of this, as Ell... [ Continue Reading ]

Titus 2:11

ΣΩΤΉΡΙΟΣ. The rec. text with CcD2bcEKLP and the great mass of authorities (MSS. and Fathers) inserts ἡ before σωτήριος (with a view of suggesting that σωτήριος is _subject_, not predicate); it is omitted by אAC*D2*G, the Syriac, Latin and Bohairic versions and is, in fact, unnecessary. א*G read σωτῆ... [ Continue Reading ]

Titus 2:12

ΠΑΙΔΕΎΟΥΣΑ ἩΜΑ͂Σ, ἼΝΑ Κ.Τ.Λ., _schooling us, in order that_ &c. This is the point of stress in the whole paragraph. The ground of the foregoing exhortations to fulfil our several duties lies here, that “the grace of God appeared … schooling (_or_ disciplining) us” for right living. The final cause o... [ Continue Reading ]

Titus 2:13

ΧΡΙΣΤΟΥ͂ ἸΗΣΟΥ͂. This order is supported by א*G g and the Bohairic version, a strong combination; but the rec. reading (adopted by the R.V. and placed in the margin by WH) has, seemingly, the weight of evidence in its favour, viz. אcACD2EKLP and _all_ the other authorities (MSS., versions and Father... [ Continue Reading ]

Titus 2:14

ΔΣ ἝΔΩΚΕΝ ἙΑΥΤῸΝ ὙΠῈΡ ἩΜΩ͂Ν, _Who gave Himself for us_. This is the phrase in which St Paul again and again describes the efficacy of the Lord’s Atonement; cp. Romans 8:32; Galatians 1:4; Galatians 2:20; Ephesians 5:25, and see on 1 Timothy 2:6. ἽΝΑ ΛΥΤΡΏΣΗΤΑΙ ἩΜΑ͂Σ�, _in order that He might redeem... [ Continue Reading ]

Titus 2:15

TITUS TO SPEAK WITH AUTHORITY 15. ΤΑΥ͂ΤΑ ΛΆΛΕΙ, _these things_, sc. what has gone before, _speak_; cp. 1 Timothy 6:2. ΚΑῚ ΠΑΡΑΚΆΛΕΙ ΚΑῚ ἜΛΕΓΧΕ ΜΕΤᾺ ΠΆΣΗΣ ἘΠΙΤΑΓΗ͂Σ, _and exhort and reprove with all authority_. The duties both of παράκλησις, _exhortation_ (1 Timothy 4:13), and of ἐλεγμός (2 Timothy... [ Continue Reading ]

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