Verse 6. Wherefore also it is contained in the Scripture.

Peter here appeals to the Scripture confirmatory of the truthfulness of his statement in making Christ a living stone and the foundation of the spiritual temple. The quotation is from the prophet Isaiah (xxiii. 16). God laid in Zion a chief corner-stone, and of it the prophet says it was "a tried stone, a sure foundation." Peter did not quote the prophetic utterance in full, but says of the chief cornerstone that it was elect, precious. It was elect because God made this choice. It was precious in that it was a sure foundation, and without it the spiritual temple could not have been erected. He that believeth on him.

Here the apostle changes the figure, and shows that he alluded to a person, the Lord Jesus Christ, and faith is the basis of our salvation through him. Faith in Christ is necessary to become living stones to be built into his spiritual house, and thereby to receive the anointing by Christ that makes us priests.

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Old Testament