Verse 12. Demetrius hath good report.

Here the apostle brings into view a very different character to Diotrephes. He calls him Demetrius. He says the testimony concerning him from all sources is good. His benevolence, his meekness, his humility, meet with universal commendation. The gospel itself commends him, in that his acts are conformable to its precepts; and lastly, I praise him. My testimony to his perfect Christian character I freely give; and you, Gaius, to whom I write, and all others, know that my testimony is true. Have I not given instruction how all the saints shall conduct themselves to meet with God's approbation? Was not this a duty imposed upon me by the Master? Have I not told you that, in giving these instructions, I was guided, so I might not mistake, by the Spirit of the living God? Since, therefore, Demetrius has unerringly followed these commands, I praise him praise that I withheld from that opposite character of Diotrephes.

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Old Testament